Post Tagged with: "system"

BRACK: Trump people throw monkey wrench into our system

BRACK: Trump people throw monkey wrench into our system

By Elliott Brack  |  Think of a complex machine going about its paces, humming along beautifully. It might be an internal combustion engine, with its many moving parts speeding you along the roadway. It might be as simple as a vacuum cleaner, scooping up dust and grime. 

1/14: New book system; When legislature should meet

1/14: New book system; When legislature should meet

Click here to read the latest issue. In this edition:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Gwinnett Libraries Adopt New Method To Classify Books
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Legislature: Meet Only Every Other Year and Have Less Mischief
SPOTLIGHT: The 1818 Club
FEEDBACK: Before Session Begins, Here Comes a Legislative Gender Policeman
UPCOMING: 12th Kiwanis Father-Daughter Dance To Be Both February 7 and 8
NOTABLE: Gwinnett Commission Adopts Record $1.84 Billion Budget for 2020
RECOMMENDED: The United States of Trump by Bill O’Reilly
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Is Federalist Candidate for U.S. President
MYSTERY PHOTO: Tell Us More About This Important Stone Structure and Mystery Photo
CALENDAR: Gwinnett NAACP Plans Martin Luther King Jr. Sunday Supper on January 19

by · January 13, 2020 · Full issues