Post Tagged with: "republicans"

BRACK: Good to see many high-quality political candidates in 2020

BRACK: Good to see many high-quality political candidates in 2020

By Elliott Brack  |  Spending a year in graduate school at the University of Iowa, I became a regular reader of the region’s most influential newspaper of that day, The Chicago Tribune. It was a rock-ribbed stalwart Republican newspaper of high quality.  With gusto, it covered Chicago and the Midwest.  It had one feature I remembered when I came back to Georgia to get into newspapering. 

BRACK: What may happen in 2020 on the Gwinnett political scene

BRACK: What may happen in 2020 on the Gwinnett political scene

By Elliott Brack  | On the local political scene, we see two developments in the 2020 races for the various offices of Gwinnett County: Republicans are having a hard time finding people who want to offer for office; and Democrats are finding lots of people interested in seeking elective office.

by · November 8, 2019 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
6/27: Electric service increasing; Pressures on republic; Dem gains

6/27: Electric service increasing; Pressures on republic; Dem gains

Click here to read the latest issue. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Area’s Growing As Request for New Electric Service on Upward Trend
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Comments From Readers Show Pressures on Our Democratic Republic
ANOTHER VIEW: World’s Not Ending For Losing Democrats; Math Shows Major Gains
SPOTLIGHT: Walton Electric Membership Corporation
FEEDBACK: Success of Rainbow Village Came from Nancy Yancey’s Hard Work
UPCOMING: Re-Paving of Ronald Reagan Parkway Continues through August
NOTABLE: Lilburn Police Will Offer Junior Women’s Self Defense Class
RECOMMENDED MOVIE: Silent Light: from Carlos Reygadas Barguin
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Georgia Still Trying To Correct Camak’s Northern Boundary Error
TODAY’S QUOTE: Here’s Another good Definition of Summertime
MYSTERY PHOTO: Tell Us Where This Stunning Statue Is Located
LAGNIAPPE: Here’s a Photo of the Oldest Church in Gwinnett County
CALENDAR: Lilburn Planning Annual Fireworks Exhibit

by · June 27, 2017 · Full issues
BRACK: Comments from readers show pressures on our democratic republic

BRACK: Comments from readers show pressures on our democratic republic

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | Converging pressures are on our democratic republic like never before.

Once somewhat isolated by oceans that protected us, today’s cyber world knows no boundaries.

Today it’s not just other nations that threaten us. We have significant internal problems our country has not faced ever before.


FOCUS: Democrats come together to elect nominee, oppose GOP nominee

By Alvin Leaphart, Jesup, Ga. | Regardless of your political views, attending this convention to help select our nominee for the President of the United States is one of the many aspects that makes our nation unique in the selection of our leader. In most of the world, a change in government is made through some sort of coup, either military or assassination.

by · August 2, 2016 · Today's Focus
2/26: Peachtree Corners concept; No casinos here; 2016 races

2/26: Peachtree Corners concept; No casinos here; 2016 races

Click here to see the latest edition. Inside:

TODAY’S FOCUS: Proposal For 39 Unused Acres To Upgrade Peachtree Corners

EEB PERSPECTIVE: Georgia Doesn’t Need Casino Gambling within Our Borders

ANOTHER VIEW: Looking Back at Presidential Campaigns in the Last 50 Years

SPOTLIGHT: Georgia Campus – Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

FEEDBACK: Comments about the Common Core and Local Goldfinches

UPCOMING: Gwinnett Library To Launch Online High School This Spring

NOTABLE: ARC Releases New Region Plan, Its Long-Range Blueprint for Atlanta

RECOMMENDED: Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

GEORGIA TIDBIT: McIntosh County Shouters Perform in Ancient African Tradition

TODAY’S QUOTE: Impressive Talents Worthless Without Motivation

MYSTERY PHOTO: Just Where Does This Stairway Lead, and in What City?

by · February 26, 2016 · Full issues
11/3: School testing, bar regulations, learning from each other

11/3: School testing, bar regulations, learning from each other

Click here to view new issue.Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: School Testing Reduction Can Expand Students’ Minds
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Gwinnett Needs More Regulation on Drinking Establishments
ANOTHER VIEW: Democrats and Republicans Can Learn from One Another
FEEDBACK: More on When People Are Free; Suggests Group to Help Pet Adopters
UPCOMING: Peachtree Corners Invests in Business Incubator
NOTABLE: Watch Out for Scammers on New Chip Cards
RECOMMENDED READ: The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Early Royal Georgia Was Unsettled Time for Most Residents
TODAY’S QUOTE: One Season Which Is Far Richer Than the Others
MYSTERY PHOTO: Three Recognized Location in Western France

by · November 3, 2015 · Full issues
HOUSTON: Democrats and Republicans can learn from one another

HOUSTON: Democrats and Republicans can learn from one another

By Debra Houston | Democrats and Republicans can learn from one another. Democrats are strong on emotion, but often short on reason. Republicans are just the opposite. They are strong on reason, but often short on emotion.

Empathy is entirely appropriate in politics, but sometimes Democrats twist it into something hateful. They exploit the emotions of minorities when they portray Republicans as “the enemy,” as did Mrs. Clinton at a rally in October.

by · November 3, 2015 · Another View