Post Tagged with: "Quebec"

MYSTERY PHOTO: Distant shoreline asks for its location

MYSTERY PHOTO: Distant shoreline asks for its location

Here’s a single clue to this issue’s Mystery Photo: it’s not around here. Figure out where this photo was taken, and send your answer to, including your hometown.

When is a Lighthouse not a Lighthouse? Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex. sent in the recent Mystery Photo, which he explains: “It is a miniature model of the Phare de la Pointe-Mitis (Translation: Pointe-Mitis Lighthouse), a lighthouse located in a small village of Métis-sur-Mer in Quebec, Canada.

by · January 3, 2023 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: Twin Towers are the subject, but where are they located?

MYSTERY PHOTO: Twin Towers are the subject, but where are they located?

Check out these twin towers. Your job is to figure out where this photo was taken, and tell us something about the photo.  Send your answers to and include your hometown.

The last Mystery Photo, Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex, said: “Surprised me, as it was shot just four miles away from where my wife of 44½ years was born and raised! This photo was shot in the small tourist town of Percé at the tip of the Gaspé Peninsula in Québec, Canada.

by · December 16, 2022 · Mystery photos