Post Tagged with: "merger"

NEWS BRIEFS: GBC completes merger with Primary Bankshares

NEWS BRIEFS: GBC completes merger with Primary Bankshares

Georgia Banking Company, Inc. (“GBC”), the parent company of Georgia Banking Company, and Primary Bancshares Corporation (“PBC”), the parent company of Georgia Primary Bank, have announced the completion of their merger and the merger of their subsidiary banks, effective March 1, 2025.

by · March 4, 2025 · News
From left are Chuck Nash, Abbeville Community FCU Board chairman; Trish Fuller, Abbeville Community FCU Manager; and Marshall Boutwell, Peach State FCU President/CEO.

NEWS BRIEFS: Peach State FCU announces merger with 2 credit unions

Two more South Carolina credit unions are merging with Peach State Federal Credit Union of Lawrenceville.  Credit unions in Abbeville and Pickens, S.C., announced the mergers this week. The announcement follows votes last week by the two credit unions during a special meeting of their members. Both mergers, which have been approved by the National Credit Union Administration, are effective December 1, 2022.

by · December 2, 2022 · News
11/1: Rodriguez back in A Christmas Carol; No to big telecom merger

11/1: Rodriguez back in A Christmas Carol; No to big telecom merger

Click here to see the latest issue. Inside
TODAY’S FOCUS: Anthony Rodriguez Returns In A Christmas Carol Beginning Nov. 25
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Proposed AT&T Merger with Time Warner Should Be Blocked
ANOTHER VIEW: Governments Give Away Much in Subsidies To Firms
UPCOMING: Duluth Snares 100 Employees of Engineering and Innovation Firm
NOTABLE: New Railway Museum Building To Increase Space Almost 50 Percent
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Known as the “Bourbon Triumvirate:” Brown, Colquitt and Gordon
TODAY’S QUOTE: Writing a Book Means Some Demon Is Driving You
MYSTERY PHOTO: Where Is the Location of These Two Gunfighters Statues?
LAGNIAPPE: Watching a Soda Straw Rocket Soar at GSMST
CALENDAR: Barbershop Chorale Coming to Peachtree Corners Baptist Church

by · November 1, 2016 · Full issues
BRACK: Proposed AT&T merger with Time Warner should be blocked

BRACK: Proposed AT&T merger with Time Warner should be blocked

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | Can you see any benefit from AT&T taking over (not “merging”) with Time Warner?

Do you really think a bigger AT&T is automatically better?

Why is it that these big conglomerates think that buying more companies will improve the situation, at least for those of us down here in the trenches? We can see that a larger company may make the income of the top brass significantly higher than their present fat-checks. But that surely doesn’t help the Average Joe.

by · November 1, 2016 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Some smaller city and county governments merge

BRACK: Some smaller city and county governments merge

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | For years, people in Georgia have been concerned that by having 159 counties, many of them small ones, government is too costly and inefficient.

by · January 26, 2016 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
1/22: Duluth football history; hospital merger; 60,000 jobs

1/22: Duluth football history; hospital merger; 60,000 jobs

Click here for the latest issue. Inside:

TODAY’S FOCUS: Local Author Is Writing History of Start of Duluth Football

EEB PERSPECTIVE: Gwinnett Hospital Merger with Northside Moving Well

ANOTHER VIEW: Here’s How Governor Deal Could Create 60,000 New Jobs

FEEDBACK: Longtime Forum Reader Presents Another View on Marijuana

UPCOMING: County Plans Road Projects, Seeks Grant, and Expands Fort Daniel Site

NOTABLE: David Raderstorf Captures Kudzu Art Zone Exhibition Prize

RECOMMENDED: Guardians of Prosperity by Richard X. Bove

GEORGIA TIDBIT: Looking Back at Election Officials in Georgia

TODAY’S QUOTE: Napoleon Explains Why We Need Religion

MYSTERY PHOTO: Several Spot Mystery, Plus an Explanation of a Previous Photo

LAGNIAPPE: Jasper Johns Exhibit Now Open at Brenau University

by · January 22, 2016 · Full issues
Hospital merger talks with Northside moving along well

Hospital merger talks with Northside moving along well

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | Gwinnett is in the “quiet period” when nothing is heard much about a possible merger between Gwinnett Medical Center and Northside Hospital. The parties are doing their due diligence before announcing if the merger will go forward, and under what terms.

by · January 22, 2016 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
9/4: Hospitals talking merger; Food trucks becoming issue

9/4: Hospitals talking merger; Food trucks becoming issue

Click here to read the new edition. Inside:

TODAY’S FOCUS: Merger Talks Going on Between Gwinnett, Northside Hospitals
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Food Trucks Becoming More of an Issue to Many
FEEDBACK: Stop Signs and Another View of Roundabouts
UPCOMING: Duluth Getting Geotours; Lilburn Offers Glimpse of History
NOTABLE: Gwinnett Place CID Releases New Master Plan for the Area
RECOMMENDED READ: The Aubrey–Maturin Series by Patrick O’Brian
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Spanish Visit Georgia from Bases in Mexico in Early 1600s
TODAY’S QUOTE: One Way You Can Recognize When It’s Labor Day
MYSTERY PHOTO: Few Recognized Castle in Loire Valley of France
LAGNIAPPE: Here’s a Nice View of Downtown Atlanta

by · September 4, 2015 · Full issues
FOCUS: Hospitals in merger discussions

FOCUS: Hospitals in merger discussions

By Beth Hardy | Northside Hospital and Gwinnett Medical Center have announced that they have approved a non-binding letter of intent (LOI) to begin exclusive discussions to combine their operations.

If a final agreement is reached, the merger would create a major health care system serving rapidly growing areas of the Atlanta Region and North Georgia. Anchored by Northside Hospital in Sandy Springs and Gwinnett Medical Center in Lawrenceville, the system also would include hospitals in Canton, Cumming and Duluth, as well as cancer treatment centers, imaging centers, medical office buildings, urgent care centers and other outpatient locations throughout the state.

by · September 4, 2015 · Today's Focus