Post Tagged with: "lobster"

MYSTERY PHOTO: How about these shining lights as mystery?

MYSTERY PHOTO: How about these shining lights as mystery?

Here’s a bright and interesting photograph we received the other day. It may confuse some of our readers, but it is certainly exceptional.  Try your hand at figuring out where this photograph was taken. Send your thoughts to and include your hometown.

by · November 21, 2023 · Mystery photos
Via Unsplash

BRACK: As lobsters go, so goes the great state of Maine

By Elliott Brack  |  Our great country has many wonderful places to visit, with a vast assortment of scenery, activities, foods and people. 

With the summer approaching, and the temperatures here aiming toward 100, it was a good time to visit in the state of Maine, a beautiful place in warm weather with a certain laid-back attitude that attracts many “summercasters.” We visited right before Maine’s big season for visitors, which is July and  August.  The weather certainly cooperated, in the 80s only one day, and most nights between 55-60. 
