Post Tagged with: "Little Rock"

BRACK: Daily newspaper in Little Rock innovates, bringing more prosperity

BRACK: Daily newspaper in Little Rock innovates, bringing more prosperity

By Elliott Brack  |  Daily newspapers aren’t what they used to be. They are thinner, with less news and advertising, and just plain don’t cover the news as they once did. Today most daily newspapers only cover a small geographic area close to their main city. In Gwinnett, we now see the pitiful coverage which both the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Gwinnett Daily Post offer.

MYSTERY: Today’s clues included telling you to “remain seated”

MYSTERY: Today’s clues included telling you to “remain seated”

There are plenty of clues in this edition’s Mystery Photo. Note the big building, the columns, the water, and you know there’s plenty of activity here. And what does “Remain Seated” tell you? Now tell us where it is. Send your answers to and be sure to include the town where you live.

by · December 11, 2015 · Mystery photos