Post Tagged with: "jobs"


FOCUS: Gwinnett Tech offers wide array of continuing education 

By Cher Brister  |  At Gwinnett Tech, we aren’t just “Basketweaving 101. You may have heard that Continuing Education is for people pursuing a hobby, or a new craft such as basket weaving, pottery or photography.  You will find those classes at your local community centers, but they will not be found at Gwinnett Technical College’s Continuing Education department.  At Gwinnett Tech’s CE, you will find that the focus is on jobs, careers and economic development in Gwinnett and North Fulton counties.

by · July 1, 2022 · Today's Focus
NEW for 7/17: “Interesting times;” High-quality candidates; Future jobs

NEW for 7/17: “Interesting times;” High-quality candidates; Future jobs

Click here to read the latest issue. In this edition:
TODAY’S FOCUS: These “Interesting Times” Remind One of Otto von Bismark
EEB PERSPECTIVE: It’s Gratifying To See Many High-Quality Political Candidates in 2020
ANOTHER VIEW: White and Blue Collar Jobs May Be Most Scarce in the Future
FEEDBACK: Liberalism, the Enlighenment, Slavery and Changing Minds
UPCOMING: Pandemic Causes Two Annual Events in Gwinnett To Be Cancelled
NOTABLE: Georgia Gwinnett College Exceeds Fund Drive for Emergencies
RECOMMENDED: The Perfect Wife by J. P. Delaney
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Communicable Disease Center Organized in Atlanta in 1946
MYSTERY PHOTO: This Tombstone Has a Distinct Background and Is Today’s Mystery

by · July 17, 2020 · Full issues
WILSON: Here’s how Gov. Deal could create 60,000 new jobs

WILSON: Here’s how Gov. Deal could create 60,000 new jobs

By George Wilson | Every election year the Republican waltz out a show to prove that they have a concern for the millions of Americans living below the poverty line and the working poor.

by · January 22, 2016 · Another View