Post Tagged with: "Jimmy Carter"
NEW for 1/3: On museum volunteering, Continuing Objectives, Jimmy Carter
Click here to read the latest edition of GwinnettForum. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Rail museum volunteering leads to full-time conducting
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Our revised list of Continuing Objectives for 2025
SPOTLIGHT: The Piedmont Bank
ANOTHER VIEW: Remembering Jimmy Carter, our 39th president
FEEDBACK: Joseph gets so little credit in raising Jesus
UPCOMING: First National Park in Georgia may be in Macon
NOTABLE: City of Mulberry up and running after midnight meeting
RECOMMENDED: Recent photo exhibit at SE Rail Museum
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Major Ridge home in Rome is prominent in history
MYSTERY PHOTO: Double mystery: where is it and what happened?
LAGNIAPPE: Radloff school bus driver is Rotary Hidden Hero
CALENDAR: Gwinnett Symphony plans concert Jan. 12
NEW for 5/12: Carter, gun buy-back, yellow canary
Click here to read the latest edition. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Local tribute to Jimmy Carter will be in Norcross on May 23
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Instituting a gun buy-back program can reduce the shootings
SPOTLIGHT: Law Office of J. Michael Levengood, LLC
ANOTHER VIEW: This account could get you to the thinking stage
FEEDBACK: Appalled at recent shootings; Vietnam vets deserve gratitude
UPCOMING: Memorial service for body donors is May 13 at PCOM
NOTABLE: 72 year old Lawrenceville man to be college graduate
RECOMMENDED: Trust by Hernan Diaz
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Much of South Georgia known as “wiregrass country”
MYSTERY PHOTO: Name this island with few distinguishing features
LAGNIAPPE: Record number of graduates complete Gwinnett Tech
CALENDAR: Wayne Sikes to speak to Gwinnett Historical Society on Monday
FOCUS: Local tribute to Jimmy Carter will be in Norcross on May 23
By Amanda Brown Olmstead | Local business and civic leaders will pay tribute to President Jimmy Carter by staging an exhibition of the new honorary banners that line a two-mile stretch of Jimmy Carter Boulevard. The event will be on May 23 at 10 a.m. at the parking lot of Global Mall in Norcross, right on the street named for the 39th president of the United States, the only one from Georgia.
NEW for 10/5: On Carter, Boutwell, thugs’ scheme
Click here to read the latest edition. Inside this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: It’s time to wish Jimmy Carter a “Happy 97th Birthday”
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Gwinnettian gets award from government of Poland
ANOTHER VIEW: Thugs’ intersection takeovers are revenue generation schemes
SPOTLIGHT: Georgia Gwinnett College
FEEDBACK: Congressman Hice denies one of his constituents is within his district
UPCOMING: Artworks Gwinnett seeks proposals for creative master plan
NOTABLE: Stripers name Erin McCormick to replace Adam English
RECOMMENDED: A People’s History of the Civil War by David Williams
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Georgia Tech first college in south to integrate without court order
MYSTERY PHOTO: “Fish in hand” might be title of this Mystery Photo
LAGNIAPPE: Duluth comes home with awards in national competition
CALENDAR: Peachtree Corners recycling event will be October 9
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