Post Tagged with: "Herky"

Herky, on guard.

BRACK: We’ve always been a dog family; One looked like Walter Cronkite

By Elliott Brack  | Even before our family had children, we’ve had dogs. All lived to older lives. We’ve also had a few temporary dogs, not always of our choosing.

When returning from our 3.5 years in Germany in the Army, we shipped home George, a purebred German wire-haired terrier. He was with us in Iowa and in South Georgia. He died when he was nine years old.

MYSTERY: Another lighthouse for you to identify

MYSTERY: Another lighthouse for you to identify

Several times The Mystery Photo has been lighthouses. This edition here’s another lighthouse to identify. See if there’s anything in this photo that points you to its locality. As usual, send your guess to and be sure to tell us where you live.

by · February 16, 2016 · Mystery photos