NEW for 9/11: On hate crimes law, Senate campaign, illegally-dumped tires

Click here to read the latest edition. IN THIS EDITION:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Background on how Georgia’s hate crimes law got passed
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Wayne Johnson bases Senate campaign on student loan reform
ANOTHER VIEW: Support a proposal to rid our area of illegally dumped tires
SPOTLIGHT: Northside Hospital
FEEDBACK: Government not intended to be all things to all people
UPCOMING: UK firm to bring 100 new jobs to Gwinnett County
NOTABLE: PCOM student-doctors offer free flu shots at Lawrenceville ministry 
RECOMMENDED: The Book of Joy by The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu (with Douglas Adams)
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Author Mary Hood is two-time winner of the Townsend Prize
MYSTERY PHOTO: One major clue about this Mystery Photo: no mountains!
LAGNIAPPE: Winn DAR chapter represented at Eutaw Springs ceremony
