Post Tagged with: "goat"

MYSTERY PHOTO: Clues abound, so where was this photo taken?

MYSTERY PHOTO: Clues abound, so where was this photo taken?

A goat, a hill, a road, some water: these are several clues to today’s Mystery Photo. We’ll give you one more clue: this is a dated photograph. Now your job: tell us where (and when?) this was taken. Send your answers to, and include your hometown.

We thought the last Mystery would be tough and it proved to be that way. Only Allan Peel of San Antonio, Tex., identified the photo, which was sent in by George Graf of Palmyra, Va.

by · January 18, 2022 · Mystery photos
Enjoying a meal at Pinnacle Park

BRACK: Norcross to see benefits of parkland once cleared by professional goats

By Elliott Brack | First, they called in the goats. You see, the acreage that the City of Norcross had purchased on Pinnacle Way at Brook Hollow Parkway, intending to make it a park, was covered up with all types of growth and trash. The city needed the land to provide equal access to parks and green space to another area of the city, and there was little  park space on the east side of town. The city figured the land would be a good spot for a park and green space for city residents’ use.
