Post Tagged with: "GGC"
NEW for 4/29: Russia’s mental state; Georgia’s hate groups
Click here to read the latest edition. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Considering the national mentality of the Russian state
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Southern group lists Norcross church as among “Hate Groups”
SPOTLIGHT: Peach State Federal Credit Union
FEEDBACK: Gives views on new “Constitutional Carry” law in Georgia
UPCOMING: Gateway85 seeks zero emissions in landscape equipment
NOTABLE: Gwinnett Place redevelopment concepts now open for study
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Hanging of Georgia woman in 1873 had vast impact on state
MYSTERY PHOTO: Indoor scene has big clues staring you in the face
LAGNIAPPE: You can get instant acceptance at Georgia Gwinnett College
CALENDAR: Art comes to the Chattahoochee River at Jones Bridge Park on April 30
NEW for 4/12: Perfect job; Civility; Justice
Click here to read the latest edition. Inside this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Blind Norcross graduate wins perfect job at Library of Congress
EEB PERSPECTIVE: What happened to civility in discourse in our country?
ANOTHER VIEW: Is a minority in U.S. (Catholics) getting upper hand in justice?
SPOTLIGHT: The Gwinnett Stripers
FEEDBACK: How about 30 minute compromise on setting time?
UPCOMING: GGC plans four new degrees for entertainment industry
RECOMMENDED: Glorious Cats by Lesley Anne Ivory
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Georgia provides inspiration to many Johnny Mercer songs
MYSTERY PHOTO: Time to figure out where another lighthouse is located
LAGNIAPPE: Here’s a weather forecast from Rhodes Jordan Park
CALENDAR: Mountain Park community plans another public meeting April 14
NEWS BRIEF: GGC plans 4 new degrees for entertainment industry
Four new Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) degrees will prepare students for careers in the entertainment industry, such as film and TV production. Beginning fall semester 2022, GGC will offer nexus degrees in professional editing in film/television, motion picture set lighting, production for film and television, and production design. GGC began offering a degree in professional sound design for film and television in spring 2022.
NEW for 4/5: Investiture; Anti-crime cameras; Lanier history
Click here to read the latest edition. Inside this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Joseph invested as 3rd president of Georgia Gwinnett College
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Innovative Flock camera system reducing crime in Gwinnett
ANOTHER VIEW: Firm to conduct interviews on making of Lake Lanier
SPOTLIGHT: Georgia Banking Company
FEEDBACK: Transition to 100% clean energy is not a simple issue
UPCOMING: Five artists featured in spring exhibit at Norcross Gallery
NOTABLE: Gwinnett Fire Services Honors PCOM Georgia
RECOMMENDED: The Little Princesses by Marion Crawford
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Highly successful American playwright was born in Decatur
MYSTERY PHOTO: Dilapidated structure asks for its location
CALENDAR: Poetry and pizza will be Tuesday night at the Hamilton Mill Library
NEW for 3/29: Armchair podcast; Peace in Ukraine; Bird trackers
Click here to read our latest edition. Inside this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Duluth grad is co-host of podcast in Los Angeles, Calif.
EEB PERSPECTIVE: The war in Ukraine: Can China become a peace negotiator?
OTHER VIEW: Students at GGC work to track birds in urbanized areas
SPOTLIGHT: The 1818 Club
FEEDBACK: Proposes naming leadership school after Noah Langdale
UPCOMING: Rowen Foundation’s Thought Leadership Series starts on March 31
NOTABLE: Siemens unveils fleet charging structure in Peachtree Corners
RECOMMENDED: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity by Carlo M. Cipolla
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Blackbeard Island quarantine station abandoned in 1909
MYSTERY PHOTO: Handsome structure has a distinctive story, too
LAGNIAPPE: Here’s one way to use those ugly neckties
CALENDAR: Water Tower ribbon cutting for new facilities will be March 30 at 2 p.m.
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