Post Tagged with: "Georgia legislature"
NEW for 3/25: On Brooks Tuck, Matt Ryan and Noah Langdale
Click here to read the latest edition. Inside this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Gwinnett native Tucks help kids get through crisis together
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Ryan shows us how to bow out of Atlanta with grace
ANOTHER VIEW: Langdale was key to success of Georgia State University
SPOTLIGHT: The Gwinnett Stripers
FEEDBACK: Send us your thoughts
UPCOMING: Passports now available at office of clerk of courts at GJAC
NOTABLE: Gwinnett Tech ranked among top college for veteran services
RECOMMENDED: The Last Days of Socrates (BBC radio dramatization) by Plato
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Tales of buried pirate treasure abound around Blackbeard Island
MYSTERY PHOTO: You’ll have to think outside the box to get this identification
LAGNIAPPE: Do you remember the Ugly Tie Contest? Here’s one year’s winners
CALENDAR: Ribbon-cutting at The Water Tower Wednesday, March 30 at 2 p.m.
14.100: Remembering Claude Sitton, Georgia’s legislature
Click here to read the full edition. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Colleagues Remember Veteran Newspaperman Claude Sitton
EEB PERSPECTIVE: More Reasons Georgia’s Legislature Should Meet Every Two Years
FEEDBACK: Commuter Rail, Animal Abuse and Reflections on Hillary Clinton
UPCOMING: Two PCOM Students Find Common Ground; Stuart Woods To Appear Soon
NOTABLE: Students Win DAR Writing Contest; Reed Joins PCOM Staff
RECOMMENDED READ: A White Man’s Woman by Malvin Williams-Tyson
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Architect Thornton Marye Raises Many Notable Atlanta Buildings
TODAY’S QUOTE: Reflections on Springtime from Lewis Grizzard
MYSTERY PHOTO: Only One Person Recognized Astoria, Oregon
LAGNIAPPE: Wayward Bird Spotted in Rhodes Jordan Park
BRACK: More reasons for state legislature to meet less often
By Elliott Brack | Some readers have wondered if we were serious about one of GwinnettForum’s Continuing Objectives, to require that the Georgia General Assembly meet only once in every two years.
In short, you betcha! Why? Because most Georgians will tell you that nothing is safe when the Georgia Legislature meets, as members introduce all sorts of measures that negatively impacts its citizens, most bills only benefiting some local constituent.
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