Post Tagged with: "George Wilson"

WILSON: Both right and left are dissatisfied with establishment politics

WILSON: Both right and left are dissatisfied with establishment politics

By George Wilson | Everywhere we look, the middle class is squeezed by employers who shrink benefits and pay, eliminate jobs, and fear-pressure their staff to work illegally without overtime pay. The redistribution of income to the top one percent continues unabated. Student loans in the U.S. are choking our future. Medical bankruptcies darken the days of those who most need some light. Some things are very wrong in this country, and these are principally the same things that work well for our peers in Europe and Canada.

by · February 9, 2016 · Another View
1/22: Duluth football history; hospital merger; 60,000 jobs

1/22: Duluth football history; hospital merger; 60,000 jobs

Click here for the latest issue. Inside:

TODAY’S FOCUS: Local Author Is Writing History of Start of Duluth Football

EEB PERSPECTIVE: Gwinnett Hospital Merger with Northside Moving Well

ANOTHER VIEW: Here’s How Governor Deal Could Create 60,000 New Jobs

FEEDBACK: Longtime Forum Reader Presents Another View on Marijuana

UPCOMING: County Plans Road Projects, Seeks Grant, and Expands Fort Daniel Site

NOTABLE: David Raderstorf Captures Kudzu Art Zone Exhibition Prize

RECOMMENDED: Guardians of Prosperity by Richard X. Bove

GEORGIA TIDBIT: Looking Back at Election Officials in Georgia

TODAY’S QUOTE: Napoleon Explains Why We Need Religion

MYSTERY PHOTO: Several Spot Mystery, Plus an Explanation of a Previous Photo

LAGNIAPPE: Jasper Johns Exhibit Now Open at Brenau University

by · January 22, 2016 · Full issues
WILSON: Here’s how Gov. Deal could create 60,000 new jobs

WILSON: Here’s how Gov. Deal could create 60,000 new jobs

By George Wilson | Every election year the Republican waltz out a show to prove that they have a concern for the millions of Americans living below the poverty line and the working poor.

by · January 22, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Reforming the U.S. Senate; Answers to reader comments

WILSON: Reforming the U.S. Senate; Answers to reader comments

By George Wilson | Many people read my two articles about the U.S. Senate and the need for reform. Someone reminded me that even through the U.S. Senate is the least representative body in the world; the British House of Lords is just as bad. I couldn’t agree more and reform is needed in Great Britain.

by · January 12, 2016 · Another View
12/18: Remembering the Thomasons; Hudgens gets new director; U.S. Senate

12/18: Remembering the Thomasons; Hudgens gets new director; U.S. Senate

Click here to see the new issue. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Remembering Blanche and Troy Thomason of Snellville
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Hudgens Art Center To Announce New Director
ANOTHER VIEW: Something Must Be Done To Reform U.S. Senate
UPCOMING: ARC Seeking Input to Comprehensive Regional Plan
NOTABLE: Here Are Tips for Your Pets from SPCA for the Holidays
RECOMMENDED READ: Shattered Consensus by James Piereson
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Many of Melissa Fay Greene’s Books Focus on Georgia
TODAY’S QUOTE: Sit Still and Watch Your Troubles Go Away
MYSTERY PHOTO: Only One Person Recognized Recent Photograph
LAGNIAPPE: Fourth Grader Wins Lilburn Woman’s Club Scholarship

by · December 18, 2015 · Full issues
WILSON: Something must be done to reform U.S. Senate

WILSON: Something must be done to reform U.S. Senate

By George Wilson | The U.S. Senate is the least representative legislative and worst branch of a government body in the democratic world. An ever shrinking minority of voters has the power to obstruct policies favored by the majority of the American people.

From the 18th century to the present, the ratio of large- to small-state populations has grown from 19-to-1 to 66-to-1. Today, half of the Senate can be elected by 15 percent of the American people—and the problem is only getting worse.

by · December 18, 2015 · Another View
12/4: European vacation, TV antenna, free college

12/4: European vacation, TV antenna, free college

Click here for the latest issue. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Roving Photographer Returns from Roving Around Europe

EEB PERSPECTIVE: Having Problems Trying To Hook Up Local-TV Antenna

ANOTHER VIEW: Should College Be Free to All? More on Brokered Convention

FEEDBACK: Wants Next President to Leave Party Label at the White House Door

UPCOMING: Lionheart Theatre Offers Big Variety of Programs for the Holidays

NOTABLE: Michigan Public Health Selects Gwinnett Fire Department for an Award

RECOMMENDED READ: The Abolition of Man; The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis

GEORGIA TIDBIT: Wesleyan in Macon Is Oldest Degree-Granting Women’s College

TODAY’S QUOTE: Here’s What Memory Can Give you During the Cold Season

MYSTERY PHOTO: Only One Person Spotted Recent Mystery Photo

LAGNIAPPE: Snellville Police Citizens Academy Graduates Another Class

by · December 4, 2015 · Full issues
WILSON: It works in Germany; Should college be free in USA?

WILSON: It works in Germany; Should college be free in USA?

By George Wilson | All German universities are now free to Americans and all other international students. Why are they offering such a generous plan?
It is because their government feels tuition fees are “unjust” and they discourage young people who do not have a traditional academic family background from taking up study.

by · December 4, 2015 · Another View
WILSON: There are proven ways how the U.S. can reduce abortions

WILSON: There are proven ways how the U.S. can reduce abortions

By George Wilson | The recent Congressional “hearing” of Planned Parenthood was more interrogation than a listening tour. It was political grandstanding of the worst order. Only in the US do we have a “serious” political party who spends their time and taxpayer resources attempting to legislate about their citizen’s sex lives and keep (poor) women in reproductive chains.

by · November 20, 2015 · Another View
WILSON: Wants change in the U.S. Constitution for “fairer representation”

WILSON: Wants change in the U.S. Constitution for “fairer representation”

By George Wilson | When the Constitution was being written, it became necessary to make an important concession to the smaller states by giving them the same number of Senatorial positions as the larger states.

The smaller states feared domination by the larger states. Therefore, this was a compromise to get them to ratify the Constitution.

by · November 13, 2015 · Another View