Post Tagged with: "France"

FOCUS: View on USA from French Parliament member  

FOCUS: View on USA from French Parliament member  

By Howard Hoffman  |  This comment is edited from a recent speech by Claude Malhuret,  a member of the French Parliament. Malhuret is a physician, lawyer and head of France’s centre-right party since 2014.

by · March 14, 2025 · Today's Focus
NEW for 7/20: New superintendent; Long-serving official; Stuck

NEW for 7/20: New superintendent; Long-serving official; Stuck

Click here to read the latest edition. Inside this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Gwinnett schools pick Dr. Calvin Watts as next superintendent
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Philip Beard is longest serving city official in Gwinnett: 46 years 
ANOTHER VIEW: Duluth family find themselves stuck in an elevator at French rail station
SPOTLIGHT: Gwinnett County Public Library
FEEDBACK: Georgia needs to improve on getting Covid vaccinations 
UPCOMING: Four new members join board of Leadership Gwinnett
NOTABLE: Norcross Episcopal church seeking to sell part of its property
RECOMMENDED: The Bomber Mafia by Malcolm Gladwell
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Atlanta Motor Speedway popular stop on circuit
MYSTERY PHOTO: There’s something unique about today’s Mystery Photo
LAGNIAPPE: U.S. Navy commissions ship named the USNS John Lewis
CALENDAR: Stripers open home stand against Norfolk tonight

by · July 20, 2021 · Full issues
MYSTERY: Bubbling pool looks something like a labyrinth

MYSTERY: Bubbling pool looks something like a labyrinth

Here’s a scene that many do not easily see. Today’s Mystery Photo may be a tough one, in that this isn’t some tourist area easily seen from the street. So put on your thinking camp and figure out where this photograph was taken. Then send in your thoughts to and be sure to include your hometown.

by · December 30, 2016 · Mystery photos
The American Cemeterey at Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, by Tom Merkel

FOCUS: Visit of World War II sites make you say, “Lest they forget”

By Randall Pugh | Last Saturday, June 6, marked the 71st anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Europe during World War II. On that day 160,000 allied troops landed along a 50 mile stretch of the Normandy coast in northern France. Less than a year later Adolph Hitler was dead and the war in Europe was finally over.

by · June 12, 2015 · Today's Focus