Post Tagged with: "Emory Morsberger"


NEWS BRIEFS: Morsberger to receive Council for Quality Growth Award

Emory Morsberger of Lilburn will be honored by the Council for Quality Growth (CQG) as one of its two award recipients on November 15 at the Comcast Center at The Battery Atlanta. The second winner is John Shern of Atlanta. This will be the 13th annual Community Improvement District Recognition Reception.

by · November 1, 2022 · News
NEW for 7/12: Ukrainian mission trip and a new book

NEW for 7/12: Ukrainian mission trip and a new book

Click here to read the latest edition. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Morsberger heard air raid sirens on Ukrainian mission trip
EEB PERSPECTIVE: New book of Gwinnett’s transformation raises at least one question
SPOTLIGHT: Law Office of J. Michael Levengood, LLC
FEEDBACK: Are “widows and orphans” today’s “single moms and their children?”
UPCOMING: GC&B opens application for Green Youth Advisory Council
NOTABLE: Here are ways to enjoy a vacation, while relieving stress 
RECOMMENDED New York by Edward Rutherfurd
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Guidestones offer10 principles to ensure humankind’s survival
MYSTERY PHOTO: The tree, the fence, building and big sky: where is it?
LAGNIAPPE: CALENDAR: Historical Society to hear talk July 18 on last slave ship

by · July 12, 2022 · Full issues
Distributing food and supplies to this mother and her baby, some of the four million “internal refugees,” as the air raid sirens blared.

FOCUS: Morsberger heard air raid sirens on Ukrainian mission trip

By Emory Morsberger | In Ukraine, I spent a few days helping with food distribution, and meeting a number of the refugees. Most of them were people just like us. I mean, you wouldn’t know them from your average American walking down Peachtree Street. They were disrupted and forced out of their homes, under great pressure, and suddenly ended up in all parts of Ukraine.

by · July 12, 2022 · Today's Focus
NEW for 3/19: Gateway85 mobility; Senseless shootings; Filibuster

NEW for 3/19: Gateway85 mobility; Senseless shootings; Filibuster

Click here to read the latest edition. In this edition:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Gateway85 CID plans $500,000 cluster plan improvements 
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Come together, Georgia, to stop these senseless shootings
ANOTHER VIEW: Passage of H.B. 1 depends on filibuster outcome
SPOTLIGHT: Aurora Theatre
FEEDBACK: Agrees with thoughts concerning Clayton at Crogan corner
UPCOMING: Stimulus funds to begin emergency rental assistance
NOTABLE: Senator sponsors resolution honoring President Carter
RECOMMENDED: Lords of the Sea by Alan G. Jamieson
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Atlanta resident was member of famed Tuskegee airmen
MYSTERY PHOTO: Peaceful pond should be great place for fishing 
LAGNIAPPE: Old-time baptisms could take place alongside a road
CALENDAR: Snellville Historical Society plans April meeting

by · March 19, 2021 · Full issues
NEW for 12/15: On film industry, Beethoven and “soft skills”

NEW for 12/15: On film industry, Beethoven and “soft skills”

Click here to read the latest edition. In this edition:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Georgia film industry recovering by innovation, and staying safe
EEB PERSPECTIVE: This week we celebrate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth
ANOTHER VIEW: Educational system not giving today’s students the “soft skills” 
SPOTLIGHT: Howard Brothers
FEEDBACK: Our nation’s fabric of democracy has held together 
UPCOMING: County/state seeks input on five proposed road projects
NOTABLE: Gwinnett names Lake Lanier raw water intake for Wayne Mason
RECOMMENDED: How the Brain Works, published by Dorling Kindersley
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Macon tailor was first Black member to speak at U.S. House
MYSTERY PHOTO: Here’s a famous painting to identify 
LAGNIAPPE: Two distinctive steeples near one another in Lawrenceville

by · December 15, 2020 · Full issues
NEW for 9/11: On hate crimes law, Senate campaign, illegally-dumped tires

NEW for 9/11: On hate crimes law, Senate campaign, illegally-dumped tires

Click here to read the latest edition. IN THIS EDITION:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Background on how Georgia’s hate crimes law got passed
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Wayne Johnson bases Senate campaign on student loan reform
ANOTHER VIEW: Support a proposal to rid our area of illegally dumped tires
SPOTLIGHT: Northside Hospital
FEEDBACK: Government not intended to be all things to all people
UPCOMING: UK firm to bring 100 new jobs to Gwinnett County
NOTABLE: PCOM student-doctors offer free flu shots at Lawrenceville ministry 
RECOMMENDED: The Book of Joy by The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu (with Douglas Adams)
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Author Mary Hood is two-time winner of the Townsend Prize
MYSTERY PHOTO: One major clue about this Mystery Photo: no mountains!
LAGNIAPPE: Winn DAR chapter represented at Eutaw Springs ceremony

4/2, full issue: On Robocalls, parades, more

4/2, full issue: On Robocalls, parades, more

Click here to read the latest issue of Gwinnett Forum. Inside this issue:

TODAY’S FOCUS: Simplistic Comments on Robocalls, But Here’s Best Advice on Them  
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Riverside Military Academy Installs Dr. Stas as Its New President
SPOTLIGHT: J. Michael Levengood, LLC
FEEDBACK: Cost of Healthcare Puts a Stake in the Heart of Entrepreneurship
UPCOMING: Emory Morsberger To Become New Director of Gateway85 CID
NOTABLE: Seventh Annual Duluth Rotary Car Show Will Be on April 13
RECOMMENDED: Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Folklorist Stetson Kennedy Infiltrates the Klan, Writes About It
MYSTERY PHOTO: Here’s a Landscape Asking Where This Mystery Photo was Taken
LAGNIAPPE: BAPS Mandir in Lilburn Showing Off Its Colors This Time of Year
CALENDAR: Attending April 11 Hazardous Waste Workshop Might Cut Your Stormwater Fee

by · April 2, 2019 · Full issues