BRACK: Without good people involved, bad government will erupt

By Elliott Brack | All most citizens want in their life is to do their job well, enjoy their family, hopefully take a vacation from time to time, and be a good citizen. All most want out of their government is for it to work in the background by delivering services efficiently, and not cause a stir. That will make them happy.

For the most part, except for some recent exceptions, Gwinnett County governments pretty well do that. Yes, there are from time-to-time some headlines that make the county citizens unhappy, and yes, there are some frictions in one or two municipal governments.

Unfortunately, many citizens don’t involve themselves much with government. Most governments chug along trying to do a good job, and staying our of the headlines when it comes to shenanigans.

by · April 28, 2015 · Elliott Brack's Perspective