Post Tagged with: "Duluth"


BRACK: Duluth  working on making railroad crossings a “Quiet Zone”

By Elliott Brack  |  Since Duluth was founded in 1876, year after year locomotives of the Southern Railway (today Norfolk-Southern) have been sounding their horns for safety at the crossings in the city, with the horns  sometimes  awakening newcomer residents.

by · January 31, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
NEWS BRIEFS: GGC seeks applicants for summer wellness program

NEWS BRIEFS: GGC seeks applicants for summer wellness program

Summertime is almost here, and with it comes a renewed interest in health and wellness. Georgia Gwinnett College’s (GGC) School of Science and Technology is offering a chance for several individuals to work on their personal fitness. 

by · May 31, 2022 · News

NEWS BRIEFS: Soon-to-be GGC graduate wants to work with children

Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) student Autumn Musgrave Burgess, 24, of Canton, says she could easily have wandered down a bad path. She grew up in Forsyth County, the child of separated parents and a survivor of an “adverse childhood,” a term referring to various types of abuse and neglect.  

by · May 10, 2022 · News

FOCUS: Duluth grad is co-host of podcast in Los Angeles, Calif.

By Shyla Nambiar  |  Every year, hundreds of people flock to Los Angeles to pursue acting careers. A few, with talent, determination, and luck, succeed. Monica Padman, a Gwinnett County native, is one who beat the odds to become a success. She is co-host of a popular podcast, Armchair Expert, hosted by Hollywood actor Dax Shepherd, husband of actress Kristin Bell.

by · March 29, 2022 · Today's Focus
NEWS BRIEFS: Georgia Gwinnett College offers cybersecurity certificate

NEWS BRIEFS: Georgia Gwinnett College offers cybersecurity certificate

Demand for positions in the fast-growing cybersecurity industry is higher than the current training system produces. Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) is addressing that issue with its new cybersecurity certificate. 

by · February 22, 2022 · News

NEWS BRIEFS: Grab snow gear to play in the snow in Duluth on Dec. 4

Grab your snow boots and mittens because it’s about to snow in Downtown Duluth. Kick off the holiday season by joining us at Deck the Hall on December 4 from 2-7 p.m. 

by · November 30, 2021 · News
MYSTERY PHOTO: Big clue awaits you in today’s mystery

MYSTERY PHOTO: Big clue awaits you in today’s mystery

Today’s Mystery Photo has a major clue staring you in the face. Figure it out and you’ll be on your way to identify this mystery. Send your ideas to, and include your hometown.

Channing Haskell, Peachtree Corners, came in first with the right answer to the recent mystery: “It’s the Aerial Lift Bridge spanning the Duluth (Minnesota) Ship Canal allowing the Great Lakes freighters to transit in and out of the Duluth Harbor at the western end of Lake Superior.”  The photo came from Robert Forman of Grayson.

by · November 19, 2021 · Mystery photos
NEW for 6/18: On cricket houses, new bank, baseball

NEW for 6/18: On cricket houses, new bank, baseball

Click here to read the latest edition. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Downtown Duluth was once site of a cricket box factory
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Bartow Morgan enjoying re-organizing Georgia Banking Company
ANOTHER VIEW: College baseball in Omaha is my favorite sporting event 
SPOTLIGHT: Law Office of J. Michael Levengood, LLC
FEEDBACK: Another bocce ball court is at Lawrenceville brewery 
UPCOMING: County and Eastside Center offer Covid vaccines for all adults
NOTABLE: Chris Minor is new director of Gwinnett Parks and Recreation
RECOMMENDED: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Collin Rogers was builder and architect of classical houses
MYSTERY PHOTO: Two statues near one another form today’s Mystery Photo

by · June 18, 2021 · Full issues
L’Adventure with crop duster airplane

BRACK: Duluth author pens novel about business in part of Africa

By Elliott Brack   | A first-time Duluth resident has just published Grand Lure: Africa, an exciting 393 page novel set in West Central Africa.  The action takes place in four countries, Ghana, Togo, Barandi and Burkina Faso.

by · February 19, 2021 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
NEW for 1/15: On new library; Legislative issues; Deep canvassing

NEW for 1/15: On new library; Legislative issues; Deep canvassing

Click here to read the latest issue. Inside this edition:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Lawrenceville to get new themed downtown library
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Three key issues will come before Georgia Legislature this year
ANOTHER VIEW: New polling technique, deep canvassing, proving effective 
SPOTLIGHT: The 1818 Club
FEEDBACK: Is 14th Amendment a better way to restrict Donald Trump?
UPCOMING: Duluth’s Railway Museum plans $1 million fund campaign
NOTABLE: Dr. Andrea Mann new dean at Suwanee campus of PCOM
RECOMMENDED: The Rain in Portugal by Billy Collins
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Georgia food and beverage firms now national companies
MYSTERY PHOTO: Peaceful location may offer clues
CALENDAR: MLK donation drive is Jan. 16

by · January 15, 2021 · Full issues