Post Tagged with: "chapel"

MYSTERY PHOTO: Golden dome of classic design

MYSTERY PHOTO: Golden dome of classic design

Today’s photo mystery is a giant golden building of classic style, beautifully lighted against the night sky. Use your wits to figure out where this photograph was taken, then send your ideas to, to include your hometown. 

Several readers recognized the last mystery, the Mercersburg Academy Chapel in Mercersburg, Penn. The photo came from Ross Lenhart of Stone Mountain.

by · May 2, 2023 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: Tell us where you think this Statue of Liberty is located

MYSTERY PHOTO: Tell us where you think this Statue of Liberty is located

Replicas of the Statue of Liberty can be found in many places in the United States. A half-size replica can be seen in Brooklyn, New York at its Art Museum. This photograph is not in Brooklyn. So, can you identify where this particular Statue of Liberty is located?  Send your answers to and include your hometown. 

by · December 14, 2021 · Mystery photos