Post Tagged with: "Bernard"

ANOTHER VIEW: Could a third party create an earthquake in November?

ANOTHER VIEW: Could a third party create an earthquake in November?

By Jack Bernard  |  As a former Republican Party elected official in Georgia and county party chair, I left the GOP and became an active Democrat because Trump is a narcissist would-be dictator. He puts the good of himself before our nation. But I believe he will be elected because of Biden’s continuing inability to adequately publicize his many achievements, plus the influence of third-party candidates in select swing states. 

by · April 12, 2024 · Another View
FOCUS, Bernard: Former President Trump is clueless on health care

FOCUS, Bernard: Former President Trump is clueless on health care

By Jack Bernard  |  Recently appearing in a Modern Healthcare column entitled: “Trump attack on ACA elevates healthcare in 2024 election.”  But Trump has no new suggestions to fix the malfunctioning health care system. He never proposed anything specific to replace it when he was president.

by · December 12, 2023 · Today's Focus