Post Tagged with: "Atlanta History Center"

MYSTERY PHOTO: Check out the classic design in this edition’s mystery

MYSTERY PHOTO: Check out the classic design in this edition’s mystery

There’s quite a story behind this structure, with its classic design. Figure out where this is located and send your idea to, and include your hometown.

Throw out a local scene, and few people recognized it. The last Mystery Photo was that of the Atlanta Historical Center on West Paces Ferry Road in Buckhead, sent in by George Graf of Palmyra, Va. 

by · October 25, 2022 · Mystery photos

FOCUS: Atlanta Cyclorama getting new building

By Gordon L. Jones | In the 1880s, before the advent of motion pictures, massive 50-foot high 360-degree cyclorama paintings were the virtual reality time machines of their day. The resulting fad produced at least 20 cyclorama paintings of seven different battles – virtually all of them Northern victories. But in the 1890s, cycloramas gave way to nickelodeons and nearly all were lost to fire or decay. Today, only two Civil War cycloramas survive on exhibit: The Battle of Gettysburg and The Battle of Atlanta.

by · October 20, 2015 · Today's Focus