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NEW for 10/6: A book’s lessons; House speaker; a gift
Click here to read the latest edition of GwinnettForum. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Read the book: It Can’t Happen Here; or can it?
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Considering the office of Speaker of the U.S. House
SPOTLIGHT: Sugarloaf Community Improvement District
ANOTHER VIEW: Giving Albert’s loved ones a sense of calm
FEEDBACK: Takes umbrage in blaming Biden for the high living cost
UPCOMING: Elisha Winn Fair coming this weekend in Dacula
NOTABLE: Gwinnett County gives its employees a pay raise
OBITUARY: The Rev. Donald E. Hanberry
RECOMMENDED: The Hill, a movie
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Monticello native was Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army
MYSTERY PHOTO: Just which country and which city does this represent?
CALENDAR: Dash 4 Domestic Violence Awareness 5K on Saturday
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