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NEW for 5/25: On student loan debt; Berkeley Lake; Proven programs

NEW for 5/25: On student loan debt; Berkeley Lake; Proven programs

Click here to read the latest edition. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Second in series of one way to solve student loan debt
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Dispelling a myth of how the City of Berkeley Lake was founded
ANOTHER VIEW: Diehard group wants to eliminate programs proven worthy
SPOTLIGHT: Gateway85 Gwinnett
FEEDBACK: Suggests use of Gwinnett Place Mall for senior housing
UPCOMING: Ribbon-Cutting at 2 p.m. Tuesday for new Duluth Public Library
NOTABLE: Walton EMC annual meeting to be a drive-through format again
RECOMMENDED: On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Once flourishing, Lithia Springs Hotel torn down in 1943
MYSTERY PHOTO: Oft-photographed scene is today’s Mystery Photo

by · May 25, 2021 · Full issues
NEW for 4/23: Rowen study; Railroad mistake; Supreme Court

NEW for 4/23: Rowen study; Railroad mistake; Supreme Court

Click here to read the latest edition. Inside this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Rowen partners with UGA College for cultural study of its land
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Norfolk Southern makes grievous mistake concerning Spencer statue
ANOTHER VIEW: Looks for results of study about adjusting of Supreme Court
SPOTLIGHT: Gwinnett County Public Library
FEEDBACK: Recent letter about Royals gave her a case of the giggles 
UPCOMING: County plans for growth with $125 million water-sewer expansion
NOTABLE: Records Council offers grants for documenting state’s heritage
RECOMMENDED: The Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant
GEORGIA TIDBIT:  Judith Ortiz Cofer was Latina author who rose to fame
MYSTERY PHOTO: Lonely red building is this issue’s Mystery Photo
CALENDAR: Drug take-back coming Saturday at Suwanee Police Department

by · April 23, 2021 · Full issues
NEW for 4/16: On atonement; Pulling troops from Afghanistan

NEW for 4/16: On atonement; Pulling troops from Afghanistan

Click here to read the latest edition. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Musing on considering of four theories about atonement
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Pulling American troops out of Afghanistan
SPOTLIGHT: Georgia Gwinnett College 
UPCOMING: Four students to represent Gwinnett in statewide STAR program
NOTABLE: Gwinnett seeking to hire lifeguards for the summer season
RECOMMENDED: Turandot (an opera) by Giacomo Puccini
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Savannah Foundation creates Victorian Historic District
MYSTERY PHOTO: You may have seen today’s Mystery Photo and never realized it

by · April 16, 2021 · Full issues, Uncategorized
NEW for 4/6: On “home,” Kemp and elections, policy reforms

NEW for 4/6: On “home,” Kemp and elections, policy reforms

Click here to read the latest edition. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Pulling into your driveway, and knowing you’re home
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Could the voting limits take down a sitting governor?
ANOTHER VIEW: Provides list of what he sees as national list of reforms
SPOTLIGHT: The 1818 Club
FEEDBACK: Two who want to stay with impeachment the way it is
UPCOMING: Go online to apply for jobs for Stripers at Coolray 
NOTABLE: PCOM students help by sped-up training, giving vaccinations
RECOMMENDED: Revolutionary Petunias by Alice Walker
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Georgia Contemporary art museum open three days a week
MYSTERY PHOTO: Feast of clues await you in today’s Mystery Photo
CALENDAR: Clean-Up Day to be Friday, April 10 in Norcross

by · April 6, 2021 · Full issues
NEW for 3/23: On battery plant, school superintendent, “begging season”

NEW for 3/23: On battery plant, school superintendent, “begging season”

Click here to read the latest edition. In this edition:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Presidential action needed soon to save vast battery plant 
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Can Gwinnett’s high quality school program continue?
ANOTHER VIEW: Why not call it the season for public begging on television? 
SPOTLIGHT: Comet National Shipping
FEEDBACK: Two-edged sword: be careful what you wish for 
UPCOMING: New GGC dean to lead School of Science and Technology
NOTABLE: County gets new parkland and buys new storage site
RECOMMENDED: A Time for Mercy by John Grisham
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Tuskegee Airmen P-51s excelled as bomber escorts
MYSTERY PHOTO: Assistance: this Mystery Photo is not a wine cellar

by · March 23, 2021 · Full issues
NEW for 2/9: On manatees, Confederate statues, birdhouse art

NEW for 2/9: On manatees, Confederate statues, birdhouse art

Click here to read the latest issue. In this edition:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Visiting Central Florida in winter? Be sure to see the manatees
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Gwinnett was right to remove Confederate statue from courthouse
SPOTLIGHT: Mingledorff’s
PHOTO ESSAY: Hudgens Center’s new exhibit concentrates on artwork about birds
FEEDBACK: Veteran educator has two suggestions for improving schools
UPCOMING: Vaccine shots now available at former Sears at Gwinnett Place Mall
NOTABLE: GALEO announces 14th annual Cesar Chavez essay contest 
RECOMMENDED: The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson
GEORGIA TIDBIT: African Americans built, owned, operated Morton Theatre 
MYSTERY PHOTO: Lots of detail in today’s Mystery Photo

by · February 9, 2021 · Full issues
NEW for 12/18: County buys land; More commercials

NEW for 12/18: County buys land; More commercials

Click here to read the latest edition. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: County buys 39 central core acres at Gwinnett Place Mall site 
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Nightmare of horrors!  More TV political commercials coming our way?
ANOTHER VIEW: Feels the United States has lost its way in election process
SPOTLIGHT: Aurora Theatre
FEEDBACK: Congratulations overdue for work and foresight of Wayne Mason
UPCOMING: County names courthouse expansion building for Charlotte Nash
NOTABLE: Northside Gwinnett adds 71 bed unit in speedy expansion 
RECOMMENDED: Gwinnett Public Library virtual interview with Elliott Brack
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Georgia had more rail miles than any Southern state in 1830s
MYSTERY PHOTO: Stately church in beautiful setting is today’s Mystery Photo 
LAGNIAPPE: Hudgens Art Center has exhibit of photos of Richard Calmes
CALENDAR: Food Giveaway is Saturday at Salem Missionary Baptist Church in Lilburn

by · December 18, 2020 · Full issues
NEW for 11/6: On liberalism, election results, science education

NEW for 11/6: On liberalism, election results, science education

Click here to read the latest issue. In this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: He’s proud to call himself a liberal with no apologies about it
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Gwinnett transit referendum results may not be known until next week
ANOTHER VIEW: GGC chemistry professor engages students with the soft side of science
SPOTLIGHT: Gwinnett County Public Library
FEEDBACK: Send us your thoughts
UPCOMING: Norcross seeks input Tuesday for Buford Highway corridor master plan
NOTABLE: Walmart and Salvation Army join to work together during holidays
RECOMMENDED: You Always Remember Your First: A Biography of George Washington by Alexis Coe
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Georgia candidates for offices must comply with fund-raising rules
MYSTERY PHOTO: Plaza Scene Shows People Enjoying the Good Life

by · November 6, 2020 · Full issues
NEW for 10/2: Approve E-SPLOST; Supreme Court

NEW for 10/2: Approve E-SPLOST; Supreme Court

Click here to read the latest issue. Inside this edition:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Tell your friends and neighbors to vote for E-SPLOST approval
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Upcoming E-SPLOST-6 should be approved by Gwinnett voters
ANOTHER VIEW: Adding members to the Supreme Court would be a “re-balancing’
SPOTLIGHT: Comet National Shipping
FEEDBACK: Article on 100 year old Spanish Flu hauntingly similar to COVID
UPCOMING: Suwanee offers tax credit to help firms holding alcoholic licenses
NOTABLE: Georgia Water Coalition honors Walton EMC as “clean-water” hero
RECOMMENDED: The Concubine’s Secret by Kate Furnivall
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Largest telescope in Georgia is at Fernbank Science Center
MYSTERY PHOTO: See if you have problems identifying this Mystery Photo 
CALENDAR: Virtual book club offers free online book for discussion

by · October 2, 2020 · Full issues
NEW for 9/15: On tax law, Buckley campaign, new hero

NEW for 9/15: On tax law, Buckley campaign, new hero

Click here to read the latest edition. Inside this issue:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Congress, not the president, only has powers to write tax laws
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Allen Buckley bases his Senate campaign on totally new tax plan
ANOTHER VIEW: California hair salon owner is now her new hero
FEEDBACK: Highlights problems with obtaining absentee ballots
UPCOMING: Once again, GGC ranks No. 1 in Southern regional college diversity
NOTABLE: Lilburn yard of Krauses features 200 species of native plants 
RECOMMENDED: A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf
GEORGIA TIDBIT: LaGrange Art Museum focuses on primarily Southern art
MYSTERY PHOTO: This structure has quite a story behind it; where is it?

by · September 15, 2020 · Full issues