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11/20: On election day, presidential politics, abortion
Click here to view new issue. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Suggests Combining Election Day and Veterans Day
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Two Competing Factors Come Into Play for Presidential Race
ANOTHER VIEW: Proven Ways the United States Can Reduce Abortions
FEEDBACK: Feels Writer Has Misunderstanding of the Constitution
UPCOMING: Norcross Tour of Homes; Writing Workshop in Athens; Others
NOTABLE: Two People Singled Out for Accomplishments
RECOMMENDED READ: Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude by Ross Guy
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Where Did the Phrase, “You’ll Be Out on Your Ear” Come From?
TODAY’S QUOTE: That Few Milliseconds Between Pitch and Call
MYSTERY PHOTO: Ex-Gwinnettian Sends Photo That No One Can Identify
FOCUS: Move Election Day to Veterans Day, for honor and bigger turnout
By Tom Taft | One of the saddest statistics in America today is the low rate of voter turnout. In the 2012 presidential election, only 57.5 percent of eligible voters turned out. That number is sobering. Even worse is having to go back to 1896 to find a rate significantly higher (79 percent). The oft-repeated reason for the low rate is that potential voters don’t think their vote will matter.
WILSON: There are proven ways how the U.S. can reduce abortions
By George Wilson | The recent Congressional “hearing” of Planned Parenthood was more interrogation than a listening tour. It was political grandstanding of the worst order. Only in the US do we have a “serious” political party who spends their time and taxpayer resources attempting to legislate about their citizen’s sex lives and keep (poor) women in reproductive chains.
MYSTERY: A beautiful afternoon outdoors playing croquet
With the rains we’ve had in Gwinnett recently, we take you back in this picture to more beautiful times. This Mystery Photo shows of a beautiful day where people are playing croquet. See if you can figure out where this photo was taken. Note the green, the ocean, the houses, and the spectators. But where? Send your answers to and be sure to include the town where you live.
11/17: Louisianan’s view; on publishing GwinnettForum; more
Click here to read the latest issue. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: A View from Louisianan Who Lived Short Time in Gwinnett
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Response from Readers Makes Publishing Worthwhile
ANOTHER VIEW: Land Line Customers Have Callers Who Abuse Them
FEEDBACK: Four Comments, including Two on Paris Bombings
UPCOMING: City of Suwanee Seeking Snappers in Photo Contest
NOTABLE: Little Mulberry Park in Gwinnett Honored with Award
RECOMMENDED READ: Very Good Lives by J. K. Rowling
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Association of Georgia Artists Started in Murphy Home in Savannah
TODAY’S QUOTE: One Element That Has No Handicaps
MYSTERY PHOTO: Lots of People Recognize Harbor in Croatia
LAGNIAPPE: Augusta DAR Project and Tourist Attraction
BRACK: Response from readers make publishing GwinnettForum worthwhile
By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | Sometimes I wonder why I continue to publish GwinnettForum. I’ve said before that at least it extends my life through this participation with the wider community. Thank you for allowing me to do this, and from responding from time to time.
Every now and then, I get a noteworthy comment comes from a reader, and it makes me proud to publish these thoughts and ideas, so that you, the other readers, can benefit from their viewpoints.
FOCUS: Louisianan’s view from living for a short period in Gwinnett
By Bill Long, Shreveport, La. | After retiring from college teaching in July of 2014, I moved to Duluth, Georgia, to be near family. Except for two years in Washington, D.C., where I worked in the U.S. Senate pursuing a graduate degree, and a year in Cambridge, Mass., studying at the post-doctorate level, I had resided in Louisiana where I was born and raised.
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