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MYSTERY: Gigantic structure begs the question:  Where is it?

MYSTERY: Gigantic structure begs the question: Where is it?

This appears to be a substantial building, maybe a cathedral, or is it? But can you pinpoint exactly where it is located? Send in your thoughts to and be sure to include your hometown.

by · December 23, 2016 · Mystery photos
12/20:  On national mood, the Internet and the need for solutions

12/20: On national mood, the Internet and the need for solutions

Click here to read the latest issue. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Editor Gets Discouraged at Courthouse Day of Prayer Event
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Today’s World of the Internet Brings with It Significant Problems
ANOTHER VIEW: What We Need Are Real Solutions That Address Change
SPOTLIGHT: Gwinnett Village Community Improvement District
UPCOMING: Braselton To Conclude Centennial Year with New Year’s Eve Gala
NOTABLE: With 445 Fall Grads, GGC Alumni Now Number Over 4,000
RECOMMENDED: DVD Review: Coffee; The Drink that Changed America
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Georgia Has Wide Variety of Waterfalls, Mostly in the Northern Area
TODAY’S QUOTE: Fluency and Reasonableness Do Not Always Equal Justice
MYSTERY PHOTO: Perfectly Framed, Can You Identify This Unique Mystery Photo?
CALENDAR: Want Training in Windows on Your Computer? Session Set in 2017

by · December 20, 2016 · Full issues
BRACK: Today’s world of the Internet brings with it significant problems

BRACK: Today’s world of the Internet brings with it significant problems

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | What hath the Internet wrought?

That most marvelous of a new age at our fingertips is a force more fierce than we had thought. It is not just an information source, but appears to be much stronger a media than ever were pamphlets, newspapers, the telephone, radio or television.

by · December 20, 2016 · Elliott Brack's Perspective

FOCUS: Editor gets discouraged at courthouse Day of Prayer event

By Tommy Purser, editor and publisher, Jeff Davis (Co.) Ledger | Several years ago, I made the decision to stop going to the Day of Prayer event held each year at the courthouse. I haven’t been in several years because I don’t feel welcome there.

What caused my feelings took three years to develop. At the very first Day of Prayer event, I went to take photos and participate in a time set aside to pray for our government, our leaders, our country, our schools, our county and city, etc. And, by the way, also for the media.

by · December 20, 2016 · Today's Focus
WILSON: What we need are real solutions that address change

WILSON: What we need are real solutions that address change

By George Wilson, contributing columnist | We all know about the decline of newspapers, big box stores, long-distance telephone service, bookstores, traditional stockbrokers, record companies, travel agents, pay phones, and movie rental stores. Some declines haven’t been good and even detrimental to the country such as the consolidation of media companies. The reduction in the number of journalists and editors at newspapers has caused news coverage to suffer. Is this the reason for the decline in the trust for the media? Now we have the advent of “fake news” flooding the internet.

by · December 20, 2016 · Another View
MYSTERY: Perfectly framed, can you identify this unique photo?

MYSTERY: Perfectly framed, can you identify this unique photo?

This edition’s Mystery Photo is one of those which you probably need to have been there to identify. There are several clues of course, but this photo is somewhat unique. Send in your thoughts to and be sure to include your hometown.

by · December 20, 2016 · Mystery photos
12/16: Finalists for Hudgens Prize; A way to end run-off elections

12/16: Finalists for Hudgens Prize; A way to end run-off elections

Click here to read the latest issue. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Four Finalists Announced for $50,000 Hudgens Art Prize for Georgians
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Here’s a Way To Eliminate Run-Off Elections and Let Majority Rule
ANOTHER VIEW: Tumultuous Year in USA, But the United States Can Take It
SPOTLIGHT: Eastside Medical Center
UPCOMING: Volunteers Needed for Georgia’s Largest Single Day Tree Chipping
NOTABLE: Gwinnett’s Live Healthy Program Wins Recognition from Chamber
RECOMMENDED: The Road to Character by David Brooks
GEORGIA TIDBIT: General Sherman Makes Present of Savannah to President Lincoln
TODAY’S QUOTE: One Consideration When an Older Person Dies
MYSTERY PHOTO: Close-Up View of Building May Limit Figuring Out This Photo
LAGNIAPPE: Peachtree Ridge Twins Honored for Work with the Hungry
CALENDAR: Time This Weekend For Photos with Santa at Historic Courthouse

by · December 16, 2016 · Full issues
BRACK: Here’s a way to eliminate run-off elections and let majority rule

BRACK: Here’s a way to eliminate run-off elections and let majority rule

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | The requirement that winning political candidates have a majority of the votes causes problems.

The first problem is that there must be a run-off between the top two candidates if no one wins a majority in the election.

by · December 16, 2016 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
FOCUS: 4 finalists announced for $50,000 Hudgens art prize for Georgians

FOCUS: 4 finalists announced for $50,000 Hudgens art prize for Georgians

By Floyd Hall, Duluth, Ga. | Four Finalists have been named for the prestigious 2017 Hudgens Prize. With a cash award of $50,000 and an invitation for a solo exhibition for one artist, the Hudgens Prize is one of the largest art awards given in the entire nation, and is open only to Georgia residents.

The four finalists are: Sarah Hobbs who is from Columbus and works in Atlanta; Jiha Moon, who is from DaeGu, Korea and works in Atlanta; Lauri Stallings is a native of Gainesville, Fla., and now based in Atlanta; and Cosmo Whyte, who is based in Atlanta and Montego Bay, Jamaica.

by · December 16, 2016 · Today's Focus
HOUSTON: Tumultuous year in USA, but the United States can take it

HOUSTON: Tumultuous year in USA, but the United States can take it

By Debra Houston, contributing columnist | We come to the end of a tumultuous year. The presidential election was an ugly one, worse than any I can recall. Both parties were to blame. As a result, we hear unendingly from the shrill media that the American people are more divided than ever.

by · December 16, 2016 · Another View