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12/30: From hydrogen energy to Founding Fathers, gratitude, more
Click here to read the latest issue. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Hydrogen Use In Automobiles Would Reduce Middle East Influence
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Those Founding Fathers of 1776? Most Were Relatively Younger Men
ANOTHER VIEW: Here’s Another Look at the Age-Old Question of “Why Me?”
SPOTLIGHT: The Gwinnett Braves
FEEDBACK: Here’s a Low Tech Solution to Holcomb Bridge Road Railroad Crossing
UPCOMING: Gwinnett Tech Seeks Student Art On Manufacturing Importance
NOTABLE: Three Gwinnett Agencies Get Grants from Jackson EMC Foundation
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Architect Charles Choate’s Works Seen Throughout the South
TODAY’S QUOTE: Even Those Involved Don’t Look Much at Television
MYSTERY PHOTO: Bubbling Pool Looks Something Like a Labyrinth
CALENDAR: Authors Find Gwinnett Important Stop on Their Circuits
BRACK: Founding Fathers of 1776? Most were relatively younger men
By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | Here at the end of the year, let’s air some thoughts squirreled away.
FOUNDING FATHERS: You hear all sorts of references to our “founding fathers.” Many were relatively young, that is, under 40 in 1776.
But did you ever stop to realize just how young these people we venerate as our founders of this country really were? It might surprise you.
MYSTERY: Bubbling pool looks something like a labyrinth
Here’s a scene that many do not easily see. Today’s Mystery Photo may be a tough one, in that this isn’t some tourist area easily seen from the street. So put on your thinking camp and figure out where this photograph was taken. Then send in your thoughts to and be sure to include your hometown.
12/23: Lawrenceville’s plans; Dangerous crossing; A friendship
Click here to read the latest issue. Inside:
TODAY’S FOCUS: Lawrenceville Setting Stage For Several Major Projects in 2017
EEB PERSPECTIVE: Dangerous Holcomb Bridge Rail Crossing May Get Relief via Internet
ANOTHER VIEW: How Two Different People Worked Toward a Deep Friendship
SPOTLIGHT: Gwinnett Medical Center
FEEDBACK: Some Items on the Internet Are Starting to Wear Thin with Her
UPCOMING: Norcross Adopts New Ordinance Concerning Hotel Safety
NOTABLE: Envistacom Names Kalonji Soccer Academy Recipient of Support
RECOMMENDATION: Sunshine’s Cheez-It Grooves
GEORGIA TIDBIT: Here are Some of the Most Wondrous Waterfalls in North Georgia
TODAY’S QUOTE: ‘Tis the Season to be Plenteous
MYSTERY PHOTO: Gigantic Structure Begs the Question: Where Is It?
LAGNIAPPE: Toy Soldiers Guard Mr. and Mrs. Claus at Historic Courthouse
CALENDAR: PCOM Open House on Horizon in January
BRACK: Dangerous Holcomb Bridge rail crossing may get relief via Internet
By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | The City of Norcross may get a gift from Google next year. It won’t be something to unwrap, but it could help solve a major problem in the city.
You see, the most dangerous railroad crossing in Gwinnett is in the middle of Norcross, the Holcomb Bridge Road crossing of the Norfolk-Southern rail tracks. The big problem is that the roadbed takes a big dip downward on the westward side.
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