Mystery photos

MYSTERY: Where’s this town square?

MYSTERY: Where’s this town square?

For this edition’s mystery photo, get out your thinking caps and see if you can identify this town square. There are several hints if you know your geography. Send in your answers to and be sure to include your home address.

by · July 7, 2015 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY:  Not many like this

MYSTERY: Not many like this

You don’t see many photographs like this edition’s Mystery Photo. Can you figure out what this is, and where it is located? Send your idea to and be sure to include your current hometown.

by · July 3, 2015 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY:  Beautiful shade of blue

MYSTERY: Beautiful shade of blue

The water is a beautiful shade of blue, and contrasts dramatically with colorful houses in this seaside community. There are also beautiful spires to help place this location. Send in your thoughts on where this could be to and be sure to include your hometown.

by · June 30, 2015 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY: Give background on the lady below

MYSTERY: Give background on the lady below

The last few mystery photos have been to difficult for our readers. No one recognized what we thought would be an easy photo from Karen Garner last week, of the beach at Garden City, S.C.

by · June 26, 2015 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY:  Surprising place

MYSTERY: Surprising place

This edition’s Mystery Photo may surprise you. Several places appear to be like this, but exactly where is this photo taken? Send in your thoughts along with your name and hometown to

by · June 23, 2015 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY:  Vacation time

MYSTERY: Vacation time

Put on your thinking cap and see if you can identity this magnificent photograph. All we’ll give as a clue is that it is vacation time. Tell us what you think this is. and where. Send your entries to and be sure to include where you live.

by · June 16, 2015 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY:  Where’s this construction?

MYSTERY: Where’s this construction?

It appears to be steel, and in some intricate pattern. Now tell us where you think this piece of construction is located, and its significance. Send your entries to and be sure to include where you live.

by · June 12, 2015 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY: Few recognize lodge at Yosemite National Park

MYSTERY: Few recognize lodge at Yosemite National Park

Try this waterfall on your brain. It’s not a major well-known waterfall, but it is beautiful, and some of the GwinnettForum readers have probably seen it. If you think you know where this waterfall is, send your idea to, and be sure to include your current home town.

by · June 9, 2015 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY:  Does the greenery help?

MYSTERY: Does the greenery help?

CLUE: Does the stone, wood and greenery give you a clue where this building might be located? If you think you know its location, send your idea to You might be surprised where this is. And be sure to include what city you live in or near.

by · June 5, 2015 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY: Become a Mystery Photo expert

MYSTERY: Become a Mystery Photo expert

Identify this photo and you’ll be recognized as the Mystery Photo expert. Looks like a castle or bell tower or folly? Where is it? You guess and send your answers to and be sure to include where you live.

by · June 2, 2015 · Mystery photos