Mystery photos

MYSTERY PHOTO: You may have seen this lighthouse; where is it?

MYSTERY PHOTO: You may have seen this lighthouse; where is it?

Yep, our fascination with lighthouses brings this mystery to you. Tell us where this tower is located, and you’ll solve today’s mystery. Remember to tell us your home town when  you send your thoughts to

by · May 10, 2024 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: Here’s a tribute to someone; but who?

MYSTERY PHOTO: Here’s a tribute to someone; but who?

Today’s Mystery Photo is a monument to somebody…but who?  Try to figure out today’s mystery, and submit your idea to  Be sure to list your hometown. 

by · May 7, 2024 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: Concentrate broadly to solve

MYSTERY PHOTO: Concentrate broadly to solve

Our readers should think broadly about this edition’s Mystery Photo. That’s all we’ll say. Just tell us where it is and what the photo is about. Send entries to, including your hometown.

by · May 3, 2024 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: Tell us the location and activity of this photo

MYSTERY PHOTO: Tell us the location and activity of this photo

There’s more going on in this photograph than you may at first recognize.  See if you can pinpoint the location and the activity of this modern scene.  Also tell us about the building now…and in the past.  Send your thoughts to a new address,, and include your hometown.

by · April 30, 2024 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: Warned in advance: take care in this identification

MYSTERY PHOTO: Warned in advance: take care in this identification

Sometimes things are not what they see. Perhaps you can identify this Mystery Photo, but we warn you, be careful. Once you make identification, send your answer to a new email: click here. And be sure to list your hometown.

by · April 26, 2024 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: This impressive gate has seen lots of history

MYSTERY PHOTO: This impressive gate has seen lots of history

Here is an impressive city entrance gate, no doubt loaded down with history. See if you can identify this photo, and tell what it signifies. Send your ideas to, and include the town where you live. 

by · April 23, 2024 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: What do spring and this building have in common?

MYSTERY PHOTO: What do spring and this building have in common?

Springtime brings out lots of winter-delayed activities. Today’s Mystery Photo speaks to that. Just where is this building located, and what is it?  Send your answer to, and include your home town.

by · April 19, 2024 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: Recognize this? Tell us its location

MYSTERY PHOTO: Recognize this? Tell us its location

You might recognize this building from some of your visits. Take a crack at identifying this. Send your answers to and include your hometown.

by · April 16, 2024 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: Can you identify this landmark from the rear?

MYSTERY PHOTO: Can you identify this landmark from the rear?

Sometimes the back sides of famous landmarks don’t look the same as the front. Can you determine where this particular landmark photograph was taken? Send your ideas to, and include your hometown.

by · April 12, 2024 · Mystery photos
MYSTERY PHOTO: Few clues to go on for this picture

MYSTERY PHOTO: Few clues to go on for this picture

Today’s Mystery Photo (at right) is cropped heavily so that you’ll have a difficult time, since there are now few clues.  It’s not every day you see a photo like this. Now, where is it?  Send your ideas to and include your hometown. 

by · April 9, 2024 · Mystery photos