Elliott Brack’s Perspective

Downtown Buford, via Wikipedia.

BRACK: Buford restaurant scene, and two national figures

By Elliott Brack  |  For sheer mass, downtown Buford has a high concentration of quality restaurants.   It didn’t  just happen. Several factors combined to create today’s modern dining scene. 

BRACK: Democrats: Vote March 12 against the biggest menace

BRACK: Democrats: Vote March 12 against the biggest menace

By Elliott Brack  |  Since many Democrats, and no doubt also a substantial number of Republicans, think the biggest menace to the United States is Donald Trump, here’s a suggestion for Georgians who have not yet voted in the presidential primary, which is on March 12. 

by · February 27, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Help! We all are overwhelmed with robocalls!

BRACK: Help! We all are overwhelmed with robocalls!

By Elliott Brack  |  The telephone, once considered a marvel for communications, is becoming more of a nuisance that is bugging many of us. 

by · February 23, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective

BRACK: Helping immigrants move toward self-sufficiency

By Elliott Brack |  Larry Campbell recognized that education for immigrant children without financial stability for the family doesn’t work. He’s president and CEO of Corners Outreach, based on Shackleford Court in Norcross, downhill from the Vietnam Church on Beaver Ruin Road.  

by · February 20, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Recent House special elections should cheer Democrats

BRACK: Recent House special elections should cheer Democrats

FEB. 16, 2024  |  In reality, we need to remember, “Trust the people.” So far little has been made about the swing that has been made in the 118th Congress.  The results should warm the hearts of Democrats.

by · February 16, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
Note the intricate patchwork on this quilt.

BRACK: Old-time quilting was a necessity for cold nights

By Elliott Brack | For a few nights recently, when visiting our daughter in Durham, N.C., I slept under a quilt that my Mother had made for her granddaughter. It was a beautiful hand-stitched quilt, made painstakingly on a quilting frame. 

by · February 13, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
Via Wikipedia.

BRACK: Tell your legislator to vote against sports gambling 

By Elliott Brack  |  One topic is up front today from disparate elements: the National Football League and the Georgia Legislature: gambling. Here before Super Bowl Sunday, does it appear to you that the National Football League wants to have its cake, and eat it, too?

by · February 9, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Norcross resident wins  International Tagore art prize

BRACK: Norcross resident wins  International Tagore art prize

By Elliott Brack  |  A local artist has won the 2024 International Tagore Award for outstanding contribution in the field of fine arts.  She is Chitra Ramanathan, who has resided in Norcross since 2019, with her husband, a retired physician.

by · February 6, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
Florence and its Duomo.  Via Unsplash.

BRACK: What has been your family’s best vacation ever?

By Elliott Brack  |  It was about as small an advertisement in a church newspaper as possible: only one column inch deep. It told of an apartment for rent in Florence, Italy. While we had planned a two-week trip, when we saw the details, the four-week price was so attractive that we booked it immediately.

by · February 2, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Background on voting about transit in Gwinnett

BRACK: Background on voting about transit in Gwinnett

By Elliott Brack  |  Gwinnett County commissioners have signaled that they plan a vote on another transit plan in the fall of 2024. Therefore, let’s look back at the ways solving the transit problem has been approached in the past.

by · January 30, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective