Elliott Brack’s Perspective

Catherine Brack

BRACK: Our daughter Catherine fought a terrific battle

By Elliott Brack  |  It has been a difficult time watching our daughter, Catherine, die. Neither Barbara nor I had been with someone who was dying before our eyes. Though we knew that with her six-year battle with cancer she was moving toward death, we will never be over it.

by · August 2, 2024 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
Via PIxabay.

BRACK: Why Gwinnett County has few significant water main breaks

By Elliott Brack  |  Remember the problems in some big cities of water mains breaking? When this happened, streets flooded out of out of control for hours and sometimes days.  Think of all that wasted clean water!

Harris.  File photo.

BRACK: Is it possible that soon we’ll have a female president?

By Elliott Brack | The Republicans left their Milwaukee convention  thinking they were on a roll, only to be immediately upstaged by President Biden throwing his support to Kamala Harris for president. The political winds can shift so quickly!

BRACK: Return to regional postal sorting centers

BRACK: Return to regional postal sorting centers

By Elliott Brack  |  The post office almost tries to hide the cost of a first class stamp, since we now have “forever stamps.” There’s no association with the cost of the stamp printed on it.  It’s like they are trying to pull the wool over our eyes about how much it now costs to mail a letter. 

BRACK: 2024 election is now only 112 days away

BRACK: 2024 election is now only 112 days away

By Elliott Brack  |  In 112 days from today, our country will host another election. While the presidential race is the key element this year, there are plenty of other offices to be filled locally in 2024.  

Liu Thai Ker in 2013; via Wikipedia.

BRACK: Singapore produces innovations in public housing

By Elliott Brack  |  Our country needs to take another look at how it views public housing. One nation  has turned around the way public housing works, creating a new group of homeowners.

Apiary, Gardi, Ga.

BRACK: A fast friend, and national beekeeping leader

By Elliott Brack  |  As  you age, you go to more funerals. We’ve been to four in the last month. One who died recently became a close friend and was of immense help to me when first publishing a weekly newspaper in Jesup, Ga. He was Troy Fore Jr.,  a tall, bald-headed and friendly  fellow who joined the newspaper staff, covering news stories…

U.S. Supreme Court, via Unsplash.

BRACK: Getting out of tight spot by kicking the can down the road

By Elliott Brack  |  With all the leaks about upcoming cases out of the U.S. Supreme Court, it’s not beyond reason that another disclosure of inside information could come out of the court. 

By Robert Ariail, courtesy Charleston City Paper.

BRACK: Bulk of Americans can see through Trump debate lies

By Elliott Brack  |  Watching presidential debates is not high on my agenda. Most years, these debates do little for real news, and serve mostly as arguments between  the vying candidates.  But for 2024, I sat for nearly two hours and listened to Donald Trump and Joe Biden.  

BRACK: Turnout in 2024 elections in Gwinnett is disappointing

BRACK: Turnout in 2024 elections in Gwinnett is disappointing

By Elliott Brack  |  It’s discouraging, and we hate to bring it up, but Gwinnettians do not take voting very seriously, at least in the recent primary and its runoff. We make this deduction after looking at how many people voted in these 2024 elections.
