Another View

WILSON: It works in Germany; Should college be free in USA?

WILSON: It works in Germany; Should college be free in USA?

By George Wilson | All German universities are now free to Americans and all other international students. Why are they offering such a generous plan?
It is because their government feels tuition fees are “unjust” and they discourage young people who do not have a traditional academic family background from taking up study.

by · December 4, 2015 · Another View
Mollie Jones with her son Clifford Jones, circa 1902

RAMSAY: Norcross Cemetery Tour on Dec. 12 tells of bygone citizens

By Gene Ramsay | The town of Norcross was founded in 1870 when entrepreneur John Thrasher built a resort hotel at a stop on a newly-constructed railroad connecting Atlanta to the northeast. Many families moved to the new town, and built stately homes that survive to this day on its residential streets, giving it a historic character that is unique today for this area of the state.

by · December 1, 2015 · Another View
HOUSTON: Miffed as Thanksgiving approaches

HOUSTON: Miffed as Thanksgiving approaches

By Debra Houston | I’m miffed, and it has nothing to do with 20 people coming to my house for Thanksgiving dinner. No, I love the holiday and all that goes with it.

I love dusting off old issues of Southern Living each year for inspiration on recipes, decorating, and hospitality. I hang an oversized harvest wreath in my kitchen and on the porch door. From the jungle of my basement, I dig up Puritan figurines, unearth Puritan stuffed bears, and nearly trip on a stone Puritan man grimly holding a musket; he will guard the hearth.

by · November 24, 2015 · Another View
WILSON: There are proven ways how the U.S. can reduce abortions

WILSON: There are proven ways how the U.S. can reduce abortions

By George Wilson | The recent Congressional “hearing” of Planned Parenthood was more interrogation than a listening tour. It was political grandstanding of the worst order. Only in the US do we have a “serious” political party who spends their time and taxpayer resources attempting to legislate about their citizen’s sex lives and keep (poor) women in reproductive chains.

by · November 20, 2015 · Another View
HOUSTON: LAN line phone customers have their own callers who abuse them

HOUSTON: LAN line phone customers have their own callers who abuse them

By Debra Houston | In a more innocent age, the family phone was our friend. It seldom rang, and when it did, you’d say, “Honey, could you get that?” Now you say, “Wait! DON’T!” The modern LAN (Local Area Network) phone has become a nuisance and a thief.

by · November 17, 2015 · Another View
WILSON: Wants change in the U.S. Constitution for “fairer representation”

WILSON: Wants change in the U.S. Constitution for “fairer representation”

By George Wilson | When the Constitution was being written, it became necessary to make an important concession to the smaller states by giving them the same number of Senatorial positions as the larger states.

The smaller states feared domination by the larger states. Therefore, this was a compromise to get them to ratify the Constitution.

by · November 13, 2015 · Another View
HOUSTON: Democrats and Republicans can learn from one another

HOUSTON: Democrats and Republicans can learn from one another

By Debra Houston | Democrats and Republicans can learn from one another. Democrats are strong on emotion, but often short on reason. Republicans are just the opposite. They are strong on reason, but often short on emotion.

Empathy is entirely appropriate in politics, but sometimes Democrats twist it into something hateful. They exploit the emotions of minorities when they portray Republicans as “the enemy,” as did Mrs. Clinton at a rally in October.

by · November 3, 2015 · Another View
WILSON: Many ways when individual isn’t free

WILSON: Many ways when individual isn’t free

By George Wilson | George Lakoff is distinguished professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley. His latest book is the ALL NEW Don’t Think of an Elephant. In it he makes the following observations.

by · October 30, 2015 · Another View
HOUSTON:  Gwinnett native finds N.Y. gun laws distasteful

HOUSTON: Gwinnett native finds N.Y. gun laws distasteful

By Dustin Houston | In New York City, being caught with a gun carries a minimum 3 to 5-year prison sentence for first time offenders. Young minority men and women who have done nothing to interfere with others’ liberty are being carted off to prison for simply owning a gun in their home to defend their family without any intention of carrying out a crime.

by · October 27, 2015 · Another View
HOUSTON:  3 examples of “divide and conquer” techniques

HOUSTON: 3 examples of “divide and conquer” techniques

By Debra Houston | The old “divide and conquer” maneuver has been around since the dawn of primordial politics, but I prefer candidates who unite instead of ignite. I wonder if “we the people” will ever be “we the people” again.

by · October 16, 2015 · Another View