Another View

HOUSTON: There’s satisfaction from teaching in English as second language

HOUSTON: There’s satisfaction from teaching in English as second language

By Debra Houston | Political operatives often give the word “immigrant” a negative connotation. Happily, churches are more magnanimous. In fact, as you roam about Gwinnett, you may notice church signs announcing “ESL Classes.” If so, that church offers English as a Second Language to foreign-born adults. Except for buying a workbook at a nominal fee, the classes are free. Childcare is also commonly available without charge.

by · February 12, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Both right and left are dissatisfied with establishment politics

WILSON: Both right and left are dissatisfied with establishment politics

By George Wilson | Everywhere we look, the middle class is squeezed by employers who shrink benefits and pay, eliminate jobs, and fear-pressure their staff to work illegally without overtime pay. The redistribution of income to the top one percent continues unabated. Student loans in the U.S. are choking our future. Medical bankruptcies darken the days of those who most need some light. Some things are very wrong in this country, and these are principally the same things that work well for our peers in Europe and Canada.

by · February 9, 2016 · Another View
HOUSTON:  Haley at first sounded good, but then a turnaround

HOUSTON: Haley at first sounded good, but then a turnaround

By Deborah Houston | The president gave his final State of the Union address. I’d no intention of watching. Presidents always say how they did a bang-up job the previous year and the State of our Union remains strong. Ditto Obama. I almost clicked over to an old 60s sitcom, but Speaker of the House Paul Ryan caught my eye. Shifting in his seat behind Obama, Ryan’s adroit facial expressions entertained me. Raised eyebrows and a slight smirk demonstrated he wasn’t grooving to the president’s words.

by · January 26, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Here’s how Gov. Deal could create 60,000 new jobs

WILSON: Here’s how Gov. Deal could create 60,000 new jobs

By George Wilson | Every election year the Republican waltz out a show to prove that they have a concern for the millions of Americans living below the poverty line and the working poor.

by · January 22, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Reforming the U.S. Senate; Answers to reader comments

WILSON: Reforming the U.S. Senate; Answers to reader comments

By George Wilson | Many people read my two articles about the U.S. Senate and the need for reform. Someone reminded me that even through the U.S. Senate is the least representative body in the world; the British House of Lords is just as bad. I couldn’t agree more and reform is needed in Great Britain.

by · January 12, 2016 · Another View
HOUSTON: Hot topic for women in the coming year is simply fear

HOUSTON: Hot topic for women in the coming year is simply fear

By Debra Houston | I entered the crowded waiting room for a routine exam in early December and found ladies in pink hospital gowns with their noses buried in magazines or otherwise staring into cellphones. Similarly attired, I sat down and asked, “Are they running behind?”

by · January 8, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Where is the money that Georgia sends to DC? Still in Washington

WILSON: Where is the money that Georgia sends to DC? Still in Washington

By George Wilson | Your money stays in Washington because of reactionary conservative Republican state government policy. Let me explain. Georgia ranked 39th in per-person receipts from the federal government in fiscal year 2013, the most recent calculated by State Policy Reports, a publication of the Washington-based Federal Funds Information for States. The state’s lowest ranking, 46th, in terms of federal grants per person, is the money doled out for projects like highways, sewer projects, education and mostly Medicaid.

by · January 5, 2016 · Another View
BARNHART: Kudzu Art Zone adds an art therapy class to 2016 offerings

BARNHART: Kudzu Art Zone adds an art therapy class to 2016 offerings

By Debra Barnhart | Like many visual art centers in metro Atlanta, Kudzu Art Zone in Norcross, a non-profit gallery and art center, offers a variety of art classes. But not many art centers offer classes led by an instructor trained in art therapy.

by · December 29, 2015 · Another View
WILSON: Something must be done to reform U.S. Senate

WILSON: Something must be done to reform U.S. Senate

By George Wilson | The U.S. Senate is the least representative legislative and worst branch of a government body in the democratic world. An ever shrinking minority of voters has the power to obstruct policies favored by the majority of the American people.

From the 18th century to the present, the ratio of large- to small-state populations has grown from 19-to-1 to 66-to-1. Today, half of the Senate can be elected by 15 percent of the American people—and the problem is only getting worse.

by · December 18, 2015 · Another View
HOUSTON: Gwinnett was once haven for dumping bodies from Atlanta

HOUSTON: Gwinnett was once haven for dumping bodies from Atlanta

By Debbie Houston | When I was young, Gwinnett County’s claim to fame was a morbid one — murderers in Atlanta would hide the evidence by dumping the remains in county woods. Because Gwinnett was rural, there were plenty of places to hide a body.

by · December 8, 2015 · Another View