Another View

HOUSTON: “Keep Bill under control this time, President Rodham!”

HOUSTON: “Keep Bill under control this time, President Rodham!”

By Debra Houston | Around and around we go! Who will be president? Nobody knows!

It is near midnight, November 8. Except for Hawaii, polls have closed and states are trending blue. CNN projects a winner. A triumphant Hillary Clinton stands at the podium, shoulders squared. “You’ve had a President Clinton,” she declares. “Now you’ll have a President Hillary Rodham!”

by · April 8, 2016 · Another View

FORKNER: Traveling Gwinnettian plans to climb Africa’s highest peak

By Daniel Forkner, part two of a series | RABAT, Morocco — In late January of this year, I left home in Gwinnett County to travel the world. So far I have been to nine countries and many more cities. One of the most memorable experiences so far has been hitchhiking for three days on a zero budget.

by · April 1, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Wants to see improvement in Georgia’s General Assembly

WILSON: Wants to see improvement in Georgia’s General Assembly

By George Wilson | The General Assembly for 2016 has ended. What has it accomplished to betterment of the lives of individual Georgians? From my viewpoint: too much what they have done is to continue to cave in to special interests. As a result, I vacillate between two distinct notions about the effectiveness of the General Assembly in Georgia and how to improve their overall performance.

by · March 29, 2016 · Another View
HOUSTON: Concerning old Ben Franklin not owning a cell phone

HOUSTON: Concerning old Ben Franklin not owning a cell phone

By Debra Houston | A hearing on the Apple and FBI clash begins March 22. In my last comment I explained why Apple refuses to invent a path to unlock San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook’s iPhone. Hackers would uncover the path and invade our privacy and worse. I noted, “This isn’t about San Bernardino.”

by · March 22, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Levels, examples and types of government corruption

WILSON: Levels, examples and types of government corruption

By George Wilson | It is hard to find an instance of the breakdown of democracy in which corruption did not play a leading or at least prominent role. These and other foundations of a secure liberal democracy do not get constructed overnight.

by · March 18, 2016 · Another View
Daniel in Venice

FORKNER: Traveling Gwinnettian learning as he treks through Europe

By Daniel Forkner | A native of Gwinnett, I rode my bicycle as a boy on the concrete foundation of Hull Middle School, which was across the street from our house. I’ve witnessed Gwinnett grow and evolve, and realize it has everything you could ask for in a vibrant community.

by · March 8, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: WXIA-TV tells position of Senator Unterman and employment

WILSON: WXIA-TV tells position of Senator Unterman and employment

By George Wilson | Wikipedia states that “Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state interventionism.”

by · March 4, 2016 · Another View
HOUSTON: Argument for Apple master key is a Trojan horse

HOUSTON: Argument for Apple master key is a Trojan horse

By Debra Houston | A couple years ago, I switched from a personal computer to an Apple iMac. Viruses ravaged my PC like so many Visigoths crashing down on the Roman Empire. Despite antivirus debuggers, brute malware, and lofty firewalls, I’d routinely visit the Geek Doc and plunk down a hundred plus dollars to sweep out the invaders. Those hundreds added up. I could’ve bought a new computer with what I’d spent on fixing one PC.

by · March 1, 2016 · Another View

TUGGLE: Looking back at presidential campaigns in the last 50 years

By Hoyt Tuggle | In modern times, political primaries seem to be a better indication of undercurrents in American political life than do general elections.

Goldwater’s success in the primaries and utter defeat in the general election in 1964 led to a temporary comeback for the GOP establishment with Nixon and his Southern strategy in 1968 and 1972.

by · February 26, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Anti-abortion measures before legislature are deceptive

WILSON: Anti-abortion measures before legislature are deceptive

By George Wilson | Georgia has 70 crisis pregnancy centers operated by religious organizations and others who oppose abortion and birth control. They lure women in without revealing their bias, then providing false accounts of medical and emotional risks of abortion.

by · February 23, 2016 · Another View