Another View

HOUSTON: Figuring out who to vote for this time is trying

HOUSTON: Figuring out who to vote for this time is trying

By Debra Houston, contributing columnist | All right, already. I got the message! Since I wrote that I might not vote in the presidential election because we have less than stellar candidates, my friends have gently reprimanded me. My friend “D” says, “It is your civic duty to vote.”

by · September 9, 2016 · Another View
BRADY: Kudzu’s 6th  annual 12×12 Xtravaganza opens Sept. 16

BRADY: Kudzu’s 6th annual 12×12 Xtravaganza opens Sept. 16

By Lucy Brady | On September 16, Kudzu Art Zone will open silent auction bidding on works of art for its sixth annual fundraiser, the 12×12 Xtravaganza. Each year Kudzu Art Zone members create special works on canvases measuring 12 inches by 12 inches for the event. The kick-off reception will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. on September 16 at the Kudzu Art Zone gallery and art center at 116 Carlyle Street in Norcross. Bidding will close on Friday, October 14 at 4 p.m.

by · September 2, 2016 · Another View
HOUSTON: Might just stay at home when election day rolls around

HOUSTON: Might just stay at home when election day rolls around

By Debra Houston | A few random thoughts today.

I mentioned to my hairdresser I might not vote in the presidential election. “You must!” she said. “Not voting at all is an automatic yes-vote for Trump.”

by · August 19, 2016 · Another View
HOUSTON: Who will hold Hillary Clinton accountable if she wins?

HOUSTON: Who will hold Hillary Clinton accountable if she wins?

By Debra Houston | It was 1992. I sipped coffee with a friend in the break room at work. We chatted about the upcoming election between George H. W. Bush and a relatively unknown governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton. I made a prediction. “If Clinton wins, there will be nothing but scandal after scandal.”

by · August 2, 2016 · Another View
WILSON:  Looks to Democratic economic policies to signal nation’s recovery

WILSON: Looks to Democratic economic policies to signal nation’s recovery

By George Wilson | The Republican ideology-driven policy of austerity at a time of unemployment and low interest rates has been a drag on the economic recovery of the United States from the great recession that started doing the last Republican administration.

Fortunately, some Obama and Democratic inspired spending got through and a recovery of the economy has taken place. The recovery could have been faster and resulted in lower unemployment and a lower deficit if Democratic policies had been implemented fully.

by · July 26, 2016 · Another View
LEAPHART: Time and education will solve country’s racial problems

LEAPHART: Time and education will solve country’s racial problems

By Alvin Leaphart, Jesup, Ga. | I read constantly of the racial strife that this presidential election has caused. I feel that most of the strife is created among those of little education and life experience by people of both races who have a financial interest in keeping the differences alive.

by · July 8, 2016 · Another View
HOUSTON: Wants to see terrorists die in hail of bullets from citizens

HOUSTON: Wants to see terrorists die in hail of bullets from citizens

By Debra Houston

JULY 6, 2016 | Following the radical Islamist attack on a nightclub in Orlando that killed 49 people, I wondered how the president might respond. He answered in typical fashion, switching the subject from terrorism to gun control. Forget the fact that not a single shot was fired on 9/11 when some 3,000 Americans died.

by · July 6, 2016 · Another View
Sherry Johnson

JOHNSON: Why City of Norcross observes Fourth on July 3

By Sherry Johnson | You may wonder why the City of Norcross began celebrating the Fourth of July with fireworks on the third of July. It goes back to one of the older institutions in the city, that of Johnson’s Store.

by · July 1, 2016 · Another View

KIDD: An explanation of why one person goes to church regularly

By the Rev. Scott Kidd | When I was growing up, my parents searched for a church home so that my sister and I would have a proper religious upbringing. They found an Episcopal Church that fit just right and my family became very active.

by · June 16, 2016 · Another View

PLOUSSARD: Calls for end of partisan gerrymandering in Georgia, nation

y Jeff Ploussard | Representative democracy and capitalism are two ideas that have made our country a more perfect union. Competition is an essential ingredient in healthy capitalism. The innovations spawned by competition have allowed businesses to grow, prosper and create jobs. The breakup of monopolies has led to lower prices for consumers. Conversely, the system by which we elect our state and federal representatives has become increasingly monopolistic and undemocratic because of a practice called gerrymandering.

by · June 14, 2016 · Another View