Another View

A. BRACK: On presidential campaign and what might happen

A. BRACK: On presidential campaign and what might happen

By Andy Brack | Come November 8, Southerners will cast about 33 million votes in this oddest and nastiest of presidential elections. Of those, more than 15 million will be for the Democrat, Hillary Clinton. That’s a lot of blue living in what most assume is just red.

Yes, our region, just like our nation, is more purple than just red or blue.

Recent polls indicate Clinton likely will replicate Southern electoral victories by Barack Obama in 2008, with narrow wins in Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. Republican nominee Donald Trump likely will carry the other Southern states, but 45 percent to 48 percent of voters in each probably won’t vote for him, based on past results.

by · November 4, 2016 · Another View
HOUSTON: Defends Trump by saying women talk dirty, too

HOUSTON: Defends Trump by saying women talk dirty, too

By Debra Houston, contributing columnist | It’s my firm belief that the Left created political correctness to censor the language of those who disagree with them. This is serious. We’re talking First Amendment here.

So Donald Trump spoke in colorful language within the context of what he thought was private conversation 11 years ago. Are we women so delicate and easily offended that we’d disqualify him for president over locker room talk?

by · October 18, 2016 · Another View
PAYNE: Blames 1996 Telecom Act for emergence of Donald Trump

PAYNE: Blames 1996 Telecom Act for emergence of Donald Trump

By Tom Payne, Wayside, Ga. | We can draw a direct line from the 1996 Telecommunications Act (the GOP’s gift to their big business benefactors), to Rupert Murdoch, to the creation of Donald Trump. This year, Fox News is 20 years old. In 1996, Roger Ailes, the molester of women in his employ, was hired to create Fox News.

by · October 14, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Perhaps Pence was trying to pick up cheap political points

WILSON: Perhaps Pence was trying to pick up cheap political points

By George Wilson, contributing columnist | It’s always good to look at patterns of reasoning and behavior of candidates for public office on issues. For example, Mike Pence, as governor of the state of Indiana, issued a ruling saying that he will not allow any Syrians to be placed in the state of Indiana—with federal money. So, the states receive substantial grants from the federal government to aid in the resettlement of refugees, including Syrians.

by · October 11, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Corporate crime fraud by healthcare companies and banks

WILSON: Corporate crime fraud by healthcare companies and banks

By George Wilson, contributing columnist | From time to time you hear Republican office holders and seekers speak in generalities about excessive government regulations. However they are seldom, if ever, specific about what regulation they would do without. Wonder why? It seems to me we need more oversight of corporations not less. Recently, I have been keeping track on some of these corporate transgressions and will do so in the future.

by · October 7, 2016 · Another View
HOUSTON: Continues conversation concerning whether Mrs. Clinton is progressive

HOUSTON: Continues conversation concerning whether Mrs. Clinton is progressive

By Debra Houston, contributing columnist | I’d like to respond to the thoughtful column written by Hoyt Tuggle on September 16. He disagreed with my article of September 9 concerning progressivism, especially my point that Hillary Clinton is a progressive.

by · September 30, 2016 · Another View
GILMORE: Fort Daniel Faire for 2016 concerns the “dynamic borders”

GILMORE: Fort Daniel Faire for 2016 concerns the “dynamic borders”

By Delana Gilmore | Tucked away on the highest point of Hog Mountain every fall you can feel the excitement of people rediscovering Gwinnett County’s earliest historic site, Fort Daniel, and its history. On Saturday, October 15 Fort Daniel Foundation will host the eighth annual Frontier Faire at 2505 Braselton Highway (Georgia Highway 124) with this year’s theme being, “Dynamic Borders”.

by · September 30, 2016 · Another View

LEAPHART: Americans are tough, won’t let bombing unnerve us

By Alvin Leaphart, Jesup, Ga. | The American Indian Wars, or Indian Wars, were the multiple armed conflicts between European governments and colonists, and later American settlers or the United States government, and the native peoples of North America. These conflicts occurred across the North American continent from the time of earliest colonial settlements until 1924.

by · September 20, 2016 · Another View
TUGGLE: Progressivism and checking beyond the edges in the Trump arena

TUGGLE: Progressivism and checking beyond the edges in the Trump arena

By Hoyt Tuggle | This is in response to Debra Houston. It is history and the current political situation from a different perspective.

Progressivism has been a significant component of the Democratic Party since Woodrow Wilson. This division within the Democratic Party has been pretty much an ongoing battle except for the FDR years. In modern times it surfaced between Jimmy Carter and the Democratic establishment. It accounted for as much of his failures as did anything.

by · September 16, 2016 · Another View
WILSON: Can voters see through smokescreen of campaign for president?

WILSON: Can voters see through smokescreen of campaign for president?

By George Wilson, contributing columnist | The Dallas Morning News broke with more than 75 years of tradition to endorse a Democrat for president, choosing Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

The Dallas Morning News’ editorial page is very, very conservative. It hasn’t endorsed a Democrat for president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1940. But a recent editorial went on to savage Trump:

by · September 13, 2016 · Another View