Another View


ANOTHER VIEW: The question becomes: Are we today the enemies of justice?

By Ashley Herndon  |  Some of us may have heard the rumor that our state, country and many parts of the world are getting more unjust, not less.  Ouch.  At the same time, some claim we are the most civilized humans in history.  Tell that to the Ukrainians and others under fire in Africa, the Middle East and some places close to home.

by · May 10, 2022 · Another View

ANOTHER VIEW: Remembering a fellow school grad, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch

By Byron Gilbert |  Our country has lost a senator from a mold that broke long ago. I am remembering U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch,  a conservative Republican, who was very close friends with U.S. Ted Kennedy.  Imagine that today! The senator came from a time when polar opposites could laugh together and make law together. 

by · May 6, 2022 · Another View

ANOTHER VIEW: Having Alice is only good side of “Constitutional Carry”

By Raleigh Perry |  This country is going to hell in a handbasket. The tides will ebb and flow and other things will wax and wane but we are too close to the edge.  We are in an endless teeter.  Governor Brian Kemp signed a bill on April 12 that will allow every citizen that is eligible, and there are some who are not, to own and carry a gun.

by · April 22, 2022 · Another View
McRae | Provided

ANOTHER VIEW: Create a legacy through meaningful volunteer opportunities

By Al McRae  |  There is no doubt our community has experienced immense challenges over the past two years as a result of the pandemic. Local nonprofits and charitable organizations were particularly impacted as they faced increased demand for their services and support while losing in-person volunteer support because of safety concerns. 

by · April 19, 2022 · Another View
ANOTHER VIEW: War. Violence. Greed. All are enemies of civilized life

ANOTHER VIEW: War. Violence. Greed. All are enemies of civilized life

By Ashley Herndon |  With all that is going on today across this country, it makes me wonder what do people do to handle the pain?  One of my mentors shared in a training class a few decades ago, “There is no such thing as stress, only the inability of some to handle outside pressure.”  That took a little thought and practice to achieve.

by · April 15, 2022 · Another View

ANOTHER VIEW: Is a U.S. minority (Catholics) getting upper hand in justice?

By Raleigh Perry  |   certainly have no heavy duty problem with a black female Court Justice.  It is about time.  The only problem that I have with her is that I am tired of Harvard and Yale educated members of the Supreme Court.  There is not enough diversity on the court.  Too much of the same does not necessarily get justice to everyone who comes before it.  Congress is full of these single minded people also.

by · April 12, 2022 · Another View
Buford Dam.  Photo via USACE.

ANOTHER VIEW: Firm to conduct interviews on making of Lake Lanier

By Faith Meader  |  New South Associates, in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, seeks to conduct oral history interviews with persons knowledgeable about the history of Lake Sidney Lanier and will be preparing an informational website on the history of Lake Sidney Lanier.

by · April 5, 2022 · Another View
ANOTHER VIEW: Georgia Democrats have special weapon: Donald Trump

ANOTHER VIEW: Georgia Democrats have special weapon: Donald Trump

By Jack Bernard |  Well, my favorite con man, Donald Trump, was recently here in Georgia in all his bombastic glory. His trip to our fine state was marked by his obsession with the 2020 election. 

by · April 1, 2022 · Another View
GGC student Ryan Davenport with one of the banded birds, this beautiful cardinal.

ANOTHER VIEW: Students at GGC work to track birds in urbanized areas

By Collin Elder  |  As the human population spreads and forests are urbanized, the result may not be kind to birds, who are crucial to the environment. Three Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) researchers and their students seek to measure that result.

by · March 29, 2022 · Another View

ANOTHER VIEW: Langdale was key to success of Georgia State University

By Hoyt Tuggle

BUFORD, Ga.  |  As a former Georgia State University (GSU) student, I have many memories of my time there as a night student. I enrolled in Georgia State in 1968, eight years out of high school. I was married, had two children, two jobs, and wanted the college education I had earlier foregone.

by · March 25, 2022 · Another View