Articles by: Elliott Brack

BRACK: Remember those water tank slogans?  Put ‘em to work again

BRACK: Remember those water tank slogans? Put ‘em to work again

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | Ever happen to you? Ever fail to see something right in front of you? Or another time, did you ever give something away, and then later regret your action?

That could be happening to Gwinnett County government these days, as it searches for a new slogan that succinctly identifies the diverse community that Gwinnett has become.

BRACK:  Graphic presentations, sheriff candidate, a bridge and Z names

BRACK: Graphic presentations, sheriff candidate, a bridge and Z names

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | We saw this the other day and liked it: “If your data has fewer than 20 pieces of information, a graphic presentation is not needed.”

How many civic clubs presentations are ruined because the audio-visual won’t work? But how many times is the audio visual not of high quality, or it presents TOO MUCH info? Many times, just plain speaking is superior to poor quality AV.

BRACK: More understanding, education is necessary to understand Islam

BRACK: More understanding, education is necessary to understand Islam

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | Here in the South of my youth, marriage outside your religion was frowned on, as it is in many religions. Showing how provincial we were in Middle Georgia, marrying outside your religion generally meant that a Baptist married a Methodist, or that is, some denomination other than your own. This caused quite a stir, and sent mouths a’wagging.

The Miller family

BRACK: Salvation Army couple to Tampa; Will be missed here

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher, GwinnettForum | Gwinnett will lose two exemplary residents soon, as Captains Abby and Andy Miller are transferred by the Salvation Army to new positions in Tampa, Fla. He and she will be the associate area commanders for the Tampa Corps.

BRACK: Sen. Unterman now supports Medicaid expansion program

BRACK: Sen. Unterman now supports Medicaid expansion program

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher, GwinnettForum | State Sen. Renee Unterman of Buford, who heads the Georgia Senate Health and Human Services Committee, may soon be writing legislation which could help hospitals, especially smaller hospitals within Georgia. She has changed her views on the subject, and now supports Medicaid expansion because of hospital closings in the state and because of problems that residents are having getting to see a doctor. She first stated these views in Modern Healthcare, a national magazine out of Washington, D.C.

This iconic photo by Charles M. Conlon shows Cobb stealing third base during the 1909 baseball season.  Photo via Wikipedia.

BRACK: Authoritative book on Cobb is major service to his reputation

By Elliott Brack, publisher, GwinnettForum | A sports author has done the state of Georgia and Ty Cobb, in particular, a major service. Author Charles Leerhsen of Brooklyn, N. Y. has published an authoritative biography: Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty. The book enhances and clarifies the reputation of Georgia’s “Big Peach,” who was maybe the most controversial player in baseball. The book won the 2015 Casey Award for the best baseball book of the year.

BRACK: Letter offering water service line insurance really gets to me

BRACK: Letter offering water service line insurance really gets to me

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | Every now and then, something comes along that really gets under my skin. One recent letter did it. It was from a company called “HomeServe,” and listed a local post office number in Marietta to reply to. We found the firm was out of Norwalk, Conn. See if this letter gets you going …

BRACK: New way to safeguard your baggage while traveling

BRACK: New way to safeguard your baggage while traveling

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher | You know the uneasy feeling at the airport: you’re waiting for your luggage to arrive on the baggage claim area, hoping your bag will be next, and hoping it’s not lost. You are a little uneasy, since you know bags can be lost or tampered with.

BRACK: State and local judicial balloting should be at General Election

BRACK: State and local judicial balloting should be at General Election

By Elliott Brack, editor and publisher, GwinnettForum | There’s nearly a dearth of candidates in the two main party primaries in Georgia today. Fully 80 percent of the legislative candidates have no opposition, while many Gwinnett offices also go unopposed.

BRACK: Climbing out of holes, vice presidential candidates and a cold snap

BRACK: Climbing out of holes, vice presidential candidates and a cold snap

In Elliott Brack’s Perspective: On the Quarry Crusher Run, age and the presidential election; and a refreshing recipe.
