Articles by: Elliott Brack

BRACK: Foiled for 65 years, GOP finally getting Supreme Court it wants

BRACK: Foiled for 65 years, GOP finally getting Supreme Court it wants

By Elliott Brack | Ever since Dwight Eisenhower became president in 1953, Republicans have been trying to turn the Supreme Court more conservative. While Republican presidents since then have appointed 20 court justices, Democratic presidents have appointed only eight justices. Yet the court has remained at least moderate centrist to liberal.

by · October 9, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Another fine trip, but this time not to a distant country

BRACK: Another fine trip, but this time not to a distant country

By Elliott Brack | Many of you know that I like to travel to new lands.  My most recent trip was only 16 miles in length, and for 10 days. The destination was Gwinnett Medical Center, where I successfully underwent bypass surgery on August 13.

by · October 4, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Sloppy writing; Old news stories; Abbreviations

BRACK: Sloppy writing; Old news stories; Abbreviations

By Elliott Brack Editor and publisher | Pet Peeve Department: Readers may be astounded to know how many people in the public relations field take a mighty lazy approach to writing a news story.

If we have seen one, we must have seen at least one a week, of the stories that begin this way: “This Company is pleased to announce……..

by · September 25, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Something stirring in politics in 2018, which may be major

BRACK: Something stirring in politics in 2018, which may be major

By Elliott Brack | Do you sense something unusual going on this political season?  And, if so, will it directly affect the outcome of the 2018 elections?

From scattered races so far in 2018 throughout the nation, there seems to be a willingness of the majority of voters to return to reasonable conventional thinking, and surprise the electorate with the winning candidate. It’s happened enough that some are taking notice.

by · September 18, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Each Gwinnett city needs to celebrate its own uniqueness

BRACK: Each Gwinnett city needs to celebrate its own uniqueness

By Elliott Brack | The cities of Gwinnett are reminding me of the way high-ranking military officers act.  If one arm of the services gets a newly-developed weapon or procedure, all the other services feel that they cannot continue as they should unless they have a machine-weapon-idea or procedure like that!

General Gizmo thinks: “Wow, that’s an amazing vehicle. We could sure use one of them!”

by · September 11, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Initiation in frenzied Friday night sports coverage was exciting

BRACK: Initiation in frenzied Friday night sports coverage was exciting

By Elliott Brack  |  It was an exciting time for a young cub reporter.

On that first football Friday of the season, the entire staff of reporters at The Macon Telegraph were reminded to finish their news stories at least by 10 p.m., an hour earlier than the normal deadline.

For about that time, the telephones started ringing one after the other, as reports from all over South Georgia came in about local high school games.

by · September 4, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
An Elvis memorial in front of the hotel.

BRACK: Refreshing, but hot, return to 1st German military posting

By Elliott Brack | AUG. 28, 2018  |  During the Dog Days of summer, we try to travel to a cooler destination than Georgia. Once when leaving Atlanta, the temperature was 95 F. On arrival in St. John Newfoundland, the airport weather was 50 degrees F. It didn’t take some of our party too long realize they had to buy warmer clothing!

by · August 28, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: German river cruise offers beautiful scenery

BRACK: German river cruise offers beautiful scenery

By Elliott Brack |  Yes, we like to travel. We are just back from a trip to Germany, where we took a river cruise on the Mosel, Rhine and Main rivers. We had a great time, and on this river boat (Emerald Waterways), they don’t nickel and dime you for anything. Great way to travel!

by · August 14, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Florida’s Aug. 28 primary progressing similarly to Georgia’s

BRACK: Florida’s Aug. 28 primary progressing similarly to Georgia’s

AUG. 10, 2018  |  The primary in the state of Florida will be held August 28. A situation there has developed similarly to what happened in Georgia.

Republican Adam Putnam, the state agricultural commissioner for eight years, announced early that he would run for governor, and was the odds-on early favorite and establishment candidate, it appeared.

by · August 10, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
Georgia's governor's mansion

BRACK: Looking at the races for governor, 7th district congressional seat

AUG. 7. 2018  |  Today let’s look at the November election.

But first, how about a nice applause for Sen. David Shafer for the gracious way he handled his surprising loss to Geoff Duncan in the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor.

by · August 7, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective