Articles by: Elliott Brack

BRACK: German river cruise offers beautiful scenery

BRACK: German river cruise offers beautiful scenery

By Elliott Brack |  Yes, we like to travel. We are just back from a trip to Germany, where we took a river cruise on the Mosel, Rhine and Main rivers. We had a great time, and on this river boat (Emerald Waterways), they don’t nickel and dime you for anything. Great way to travel!

by · August 14, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Florida’s Aug. 28 primary progressing similarly to Georgia’s

BRACK: Florida’s Aug. 28 primary progressing similarly to Georgia’s

AUG. 10, 2018  |  The primary in the state of Florida will be held August 28. A situation there has developed similarly to what happened in Georgia.

Republican Adam Putnam, the state agricultural commissioner for eight years, announced early that he would run for governor, and was the odds-on early favorite and establishment candidate, it appeared.

by · August 10, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
Georgia's governor's mansion

BRACK: Looking at the races for governor, 7th district congressional seat

AUG. 7. 2018  |  Today let’s look at the November election.

But first, how about a nice applause for Sen. David Shafer for the gracious way he handled his surprising loss to Geoff Duncan in the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor.

by · August 7, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: What did you look like when you were a babe in arms?

BRACK: What did you look like when you were a babe in arms?

By Elliott Brack | Ever think of yourself as a baby, and what you looked like?

After thinking about this for years, I have concluded that I must have been at least a goofy, if not ugly, baby.  That’s hard for me to admit, but I have some evidence to support that idea.

by · August 3, 2018 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Congratulations to the only 3 people who so far have been elected

BRACK: Congratulations to the only 3 people who so far have been elected

By Elliott Brack |   Though Gwinnett residents may be tired of all the 2018 politicking, the November election is still before us.  It’s not over yet, since so far we have mostly nominated political candidates for the General Election more than three months away.

There’s been much hullabaloo in the recent primary and its runoff, but so far locally the only persons to be elected who had competition are three new Gwinnett Judges.

BRACK: May Gwinnettians have big turnout in the runoff election on Tuesday

BRACK: May Gwinnettians have big turnout in the runoff election on Tuesday

By Elliott Brack | Next Tuesday, July 24, Gwinnett and Georgia voters will return to the polls for runoff primaries of the two major political parties and in non-partisan races. Runoffs are required under current voting rules when no candidate wins 50 percent of the vote, plus one, that is, a majority of the votes cast.

We urge Gwinnett residents, if you have not early voted, to return to the polls on Tuesday and select your candidate in the runoff.  Here’s why….

BRACK: Local news at 11 p.m. not important to us any more

BRACK: Local news at 11 p.m. not important to us any more

By Elliott Brack |  Do you still watch the 11 o’clock so-called local news?  Pity. It’s not vital to us any more, and not part of our lives, except for the rare occasion when severe weather is approaching.

We stopped watching the so-called “late news” 10-15 years ago. We just got tired of all the “cheap news,” that is, the blood-and-guts of the most recent shooting, or car accident, or robbery. 

BRACK: Candidate suggests that insurance be required of all gun owners

BRACK: Candidate suggests that insurance be required of all gun owners

Many of the 78 candidates GwinnettForum has interviewed so far this year in our offices have been asked the question, “What can be done about school shootings?” So far, we’ve heard no overall innovative solution. Mostly, the candidates are as perplexed as most people are on how to stop these horrible incidents.

BRACK: Never thought about visiting Casablanca in distant Morocco

BRACK: Never thought about visiting Casablanca in distant Morocco

JULY 10, 2018  |  Yes, travel of any kind, either international or to visit the Varsity, is something that I enjoy. But somehow, I had never thought I might be interested in the city of Casablanca, in darkest Africa.

Yes, we’ve enjoyed that movie, one of the best ever, a propaganda piece released in 1942 before the United State entered World War II on African soil. And yes, Casablanca the city sounds exotic, but it also reeks of sand and a third-world underbelly that doesn’t have a deep appeal.

BRACK: Here’s where to recycle fluorescent tubes, other products

BRACK: Here’s where to recycle fluorescent tubes, other products

By Elliott Brack  |  Many of our everyday products we use around the house will not be recycled for a lot of reasons. Many are hazardous products that don’t need to be in the landfill. Others are materials that no longer is financially viable for recycling, such as the way the recycled glass market has deteriorated.
