Articles by: Elliott Brack

BRACK: Have you ever considered why you live where you do?

BRACK: Have you ever considered why you live where you do?

By Elliott Brack  | Have you ever considered why you live where you do?

Most of us are not from Gwinnett County, but here we maintain our home, and go about our work, or schooling, or retirement. Probably we seldom give a second thought of why we are “Gwinnettians,” the phrase the late County Chairman Lillian Webb loved to use. 

by · February 25, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Democrats welcome Bloomberg, slowly move toward nominee

BRACK: Democrats welcome Bloomberg, slowly move toward nominee

By Elliott Brack  | Five Democratic debate candidates for president “welcomed” Mike Bloomberg to the debate stage Wednesday night, all seeking to take the late-blooming Bloomberg down a notch from his purchased double-digit showing in the polls. So far Mr. Bloomberg has not faced the voters. We’ll see Saturday what the Nevada caucus thinks of him, then follow the South Carolina primary on February 29 to see if Mr. Bloomberg has any real traction with voters.

by · February 21, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
Wiley in a recent photo.

BRACK: Herman Wiley, 97, another quiet vet of naval action in WWII

By Elliott Brack | Talking to veterans of World War II is so enjoyable.  Most are laid-back. Few brag. Recently we spent time with Herman Wiley, age 97, who lives on James Burgess Road, just across the Chattahoochee River in Forsyth County.

by · February 18, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Headed to Infinite Energy Center? Pay parking in advance

BRACK: Headed to Infinite Energy Center? Pay parking in advance

By Elliott Brack  | Before the Gwinnett Civic Center was built (now known as the Infinite Energy Center) off Sugarloaf Parkway and Satellite Boulevard, across from the new building was a former corn field, which was the original parking lot.

by · February 14, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Fob batteries, handkerchiefs and dates for 2020 elections

BRACK: Fob batteries, handkerchiefs and dates for 2020 elections

By Elliott Brack  | Newton’s Third Law tells “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

The action was simply daily using the key fob to enter the automobile. The opposite reaction cost $20. 

by · February 7, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
U.S. Senate chamber

BRACK: Impeachment trial may be Democrats’ last hope to oust Trump

By Elliott Brack  | If the Democrats do not want to have to go up against President Trump in the 2020 elections, their best hope is to get the Senate to convict him of wrongdoing in the impeachment trial. Right now, that does not seem likely, as Republican senators appear to have their ears and minds closed and may vote as a bloc to allow him to remain in office.  Thank you, Mitch McConnell.

by · January 21, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Legislature should meet only every other year

BRACK: Legislature should meet only every other year

By Elliott Brack  | The only constitutional requirement that the Georgia Legislature must fulfill each year is to pass a state budget.

And as such, this usually amounts to quite a fight, as the duly-elected legislators move to help their friends, or hurt their enemies.

by · January 13, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective

BRACK: Gwinnett community shocked at tragic death of Emily Powell

By Elliott Brack | The wider Gwinnett County is shocked and mourns the tragic death of Emily Powell, a senior magistrate judge. A freak auto accident caused her eventual death. 

Emily was such an open and happy person, with a personality that attracted people.

by · January 10, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Christmas gift of jigsaw puzzle teaches about Georgia 

BRACK: Christmas gift of jigsaw puzzle teaches about Georgia 

By Elliott Brack  | One of the joys of Christmas is the surprise that often comes with gifts. I was surprised—and pleased—that one of my daughters gave me a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle this year.   Such puzzles are an old-time custom that blossomed years ago, and has been a delight for people who like puzzles for ages. 

by · January 7, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Action needed in several areas to improve Gwinnett

BRACK: Action needed in several areas to improve Gwinnett

By Elliott Brack  | The start of a new year is a good time to review what progress has been made in the past year for GwinnettForum’s List of Continuing Objectives. Unfortunately, there has been virtually no progress on this list during the last year.  

During December, GwinnettForum emphasized the need for Gwinnett legislators to move quickly once the General Assembly convenes to increase the salary for the chairman of the Gwinnett County Commission. This is our most pressing need at this time.

by · January 3, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective