Articles by: Elliott Brack


BRACK: Morgan served Buford and Gwinnett County with distinction

By Elliott Brack  | Gwinnett and the City of Buford lost a distinguished citizen recently, as Hansel Morgan Sr. , 98, died, a member of the Greatest Generation.  He served our country as a member of the U.S. Army during World War II.

BRACK: Gwinnett school bus drivers delivering meals to students

BRACK: Gwinnett school bus drivers delivering meals to students

By Elliott Brack  | School may have been out in Gwinnett County for the last two weeks, but school buses were still running….this time on 498 routes delivering meals to students, not delivering students to school. While there will be no meals delivered this week during the system’s Spring Break, meal delivery will start again on Monday, April 6.  

by · March 31, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Early-morning grocery shopping finds  easy maneuvering

BRACK: Early-morning grocery shopping finds  easy maneuvering

By Elliott Brack  | Needing to re-stock  our refrigerator and pantry, I left the house at 6:59 a.m. to take advantage of Publix’ “Old Folks” early opening. I arrive at 7:09 to find not many shoppers—perhaps a dozen or so, including several from our neighborhood. It’s not that often when shopping in this vast and diverse metro complex that you find people you know in grocery stores. 

by · March 27, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Today’s reaction to virus stems from 1918 action in St. Louis

BRACK: Today’s reaction to virus stems from 1918 action in St. Louis

By Elliott Brack | Many of the precautions our medical community is taking in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic stem from the reaction in American cities during the influenza pandemic more than a hundred  years ago, in 1918. The world-wide spread of the flu came as soldiers returned home from the trench warfare of the first Great War. 

by · March 20, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Gwinnett to set new world standard for water technology

BRACK: Gwinnett to set new world standard for water technology

By Elliott Brack  | Even before Gwinnett’s F. Wayne Hill Water Reclamation Plant was finished, it attracted water professionals worldwide to visit the plant. Gwinnett was aiming to treat sewage at a higher standard than anyone in the world, plus returning treated water to Lake Lanier at a higher quality than when the water came from the lake.

by · March 17, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: How to find details about candidates in coming election

BRACK: How to find details about candidates in coming election

By Elliott Brack | Boy! What a job awaits Gwinnett voters in the upcoming primary election! There are 135 candidates from Gwinnett seeking your support. Making sense of who to support out of this onslaught of candidates may be the toughest job ever in an election for Gwinnett.

In what is the most essential election of a democracy, the voting itself, it is becoming harder and harder to find enough information to determine which candidate to support. One reason is that there is less and less media presence allowing candidates to present their information and stances.

by · March 13, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Whew! 135 candidates running on Gwinnett primary ballot

BRACK: Whew! 135 candidates running on Gwinnett primary ballot

By Elliott Brack  | The 2020 primary in Gwinnett opened the floodgates for candidates, as there are 135 people on the Gwinnett ballot seeking to get elected and begin serving January 1, 2021.  However, only 17 political candidates are moving to the General Election without an opponent, including four Superior Court and four State Court candidates, plus the magistrate judge. 

by · March 10, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Census forms coming soon; Beware of Census scams

BRACK: Census forms coming soon; Beware of Census scams

By Elliott Brack  | In a few days, between March 12-20, each household in the United States will receive a letter from the U.S. Census, asking all households to participate in the official head count as of  April 1, 2020. The count will let us know how many people live in each city, county and state in the country. This Census, done every10 years since 1790, forms the basis to determine how many representatives each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives, and also is used for drawing up Georgia Senate and House districts, plus county commission and school board districts.

BRACK: Georgia’s impact on presidential race getting less likely

BRACK: Georgia’s impact on presidential race getting less likely

By Elliott Brack  | Watching the Democrats wrangle for the nomination for president is much like watching a sporting event. Except that is long and drawn out, not so much like a fast-paced basketball game as it is an ever-so-boring, several-day cricket match. Add to this that the political commentators have a field day of putting out new views daily based on the sketchiest of information, the little matters that doesn’t amount to much.

BRACK: In Gwinnett, few Republicans may run for local offices

BRACK: In Gwinnett, few Republicans may run for local offices

By Elliott Brack  | Have you noticed?  The Gwinnett Republican Party has so far about vanished in the run-up to this political season. The once-strong and dominant party is having difficulty finding candidates to run for local political offices, that is, compared to the Gwinnett Democratic Party. If anything, the Democrats are awash with candidates.

by · February 28, 2020 · Elliott Brack's Perspective