Articles by: Elliott Brack

BRACK: The red daylily, John Wesley, Marlene Buchanan and Wendy’s 

BRACK: The red daylily, John Wesley, Marlene Buchanan and Wendy’s 

By Elliott Brack  |  The return of an old friend: Last year, this daylily output was a feature photo in this publication, and now the plant has blossomed for another year. It’s located just outside our kitchen window. Its compatriots, the orange type, develop earlier each year, and we await the red daylily’s bloom with anticipation. We found this about old friends: “Say what you want about aging, it’s still the only way to have old friends.”     

The statue of John C. Calhoun in Charleston, S.C., came down this week.  Exclusive photo by Rob Byko.

BRACK: If statues come down, it should be by petition, not mob rule

By Elliott Brack  |  Monuments, historical plaques and statues have been set up “in the heat of the moment” throughout the United States to honor individuals by people intent on recognizing the activities of what was seen as worthy individuals.  But not all such recognitions are always deemed worthy several generations after the monument’s erection, when a more historical and more enlightened  evaluation may be made of that honoree’s accomplishments.

Light rail in Denver. Photo: PIxabay.

BRACK: The world embraces mass transit; So, too, should Gwinnett

By Elliott Brack  |  Watch out, Gwinnett. You don’t need to delay mass transit. While so far Gwinnett County has dilly-dallied on mass transportation, the rest of the world’s large cities are embracing mass transit.  However, now there appears to be a more hopeful attempt for Gwinnett to address mass transit, perhaps in the General Election in November.

BRACK: High school grads organizing “Togetherness” event 

BRACK: High school grads organizing “Togetherness” event 

By Elliott Brack  |  Every now and then, a story comes by that just gladdens your heart. On Wednesday we heard of a gathering set for Saturday, June 20, from 2 to 5 p.m. at Thrasher Park in Norcross.  It’s called the “Togetherness Project,” and has been organized by members of the 2011 Class of Norcross High School. It will be a catered cookout, free to all. All families in Norcross are invited.

BRACK: Election count continues; Some local races still in doubt

BRACK: Election count continues; Some local races still in doubt

By Elliott Brack  |  Elections returns in Gwinnett County are still not final after voting a week ago.  Officials tell GwinnettForum that they hope to finish the counting of multiple absentee votes by possibly this week and certify the election.

BRACK: Johnson must annoy and confuse Red Chinese authorities

BRACK: Johnson must annoy and confuse Red Chinese authorities

By Elliott Brack |  With today’s Georgia primaries, the recent unrest and riots across the county, all overlaid by the coronavirus, a recent story out of Britain didn’t get much traction in the United States.

BRACK: Missing baseballs from riots; 2 public officials taking action

BRACK: Missing baseballs from riots; 2 public officials taking action

By Elliott Brack |  It’s eerie what really hits you and gets your attention during big news events, like the recent riots across the country. (One map I saw initially showed riots in all but six states: Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Vermont, New Hampshire and…..Mississippi!)

Like millions of quiet Americans all over the country, we were upset, saddened and mad last week about the way peaceful marches and protests turned into riots, rebellion, lawlessness and anarchy. 

BRACK: Here’s an open letter to those racists in our midst

BRACK: Here’s an open letter to those racists in our midst

By Andy Brack | Dear racists: You may think you’re winning the battle with a killing here or a hate rally there, but you’re losing the war.  Americans are getting increasingly sick, tired and repelled by your vitriolic, creepy, abhorrent prejudices.  Your days are as numbered as the president you glorify.

Former Turkey Creek Precinct (still standing)

BRACK: Election stories abound, including allowing the dead to vote

By Elliott Brack  |  Over and over, investigations find that there is little downright fraud in  elections these days. Yet the die-hards try to convince us that we should greatly tighten our registration procedures because of the threat of voter fraud.

BRACK: Current pandemic is nothing new; They occur periodically

BRACK: Current pandemic is nothing new; They occur periodically

By Elliott Brack  |  Most of us living in 2020 probably do not realize that this coronavirus pandemic is not unique.
Pandemics have been recorded from ancient times. Just look at the history of malaria, tuberculosis, influenza and smallpox. All claimed millions of lives.
