Articles by: Elliott Brack


BRACK: New book of Gwinnett’s transformation raises at least one question

By Elliott Brack  |  A new book from the University of Georgia Press is entitled “Gwinnett County, Georgia, and the transformation of the American South, 1818-2018.” The book is edited by two professors, Michael Gagnon of Flowery Branch, who is an associate professor of history at Georgia Gwinnett College, and Matthew Hild of Atlanta, a lecturer at Georgia Tech.

BRACK: Taxing real property is not always easy and often not fair

BRACK: Taxing real property is not always easy and often not fair

By Elliott Brack  |  Equally taxing people is complicated.  For the tax year 2022, you could have two families living side-by-side in similar houses and one might be taxed considerably higher than the other. That’s because some Gwinnett residents get the benefit of a value offset exemption (VOE) for owner-occupied residences. 

BRACK: Congress can step into breach of rights by the Court

BRACK: Congress can step into breach of rights by the Court

By Elliott Brack  |  The two bomb blasts handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court last week may serve as a rallying cry to change our nation.  It won’t be easy, and it won’t be quick. 

When the court hands down verdicts that a majority of the people are not in step with, something eventually must give.  We have little doubt that a majority of Americans, and especially women,  think it should be an individual woman’s fundamental right to terminate a pregnancy. 

Via Unsplash

BRACK: As lobsters go, so goes the great state of Maine

By Elliott Brack  |  Our great country has many wonderful places to visit, with a vast assortment of scenery, activities, foods and people. 

With the summer approaching, and the temperatures here aiming toward 100, it was a good time to visit in the state of Maine, a beautiful place in warm weather with a certain laid-back attitude that attracts many “summercasters.” We visited right before Maine’s big season for visitors, which is July and  August.  The weather certainly cooperated, in the 80s only one day, and most nights between 55-60. 


BRACK: New voting system in primary turned out to be much easier

By Elliott Brack  |  Were you surprised at the ease of voting in the May 24 primary?  The State of Georgia has been tweaking the procedure of voting, and has come up with a new system that allows most of us to speed through checking in….and in voting itself.

BRACK: Here are GwinnettForum’s endorsements in runoffs

BRACK: Here are GwinnettForum’s endorsements in runoffs

By Elliott Brack  |  There’s still work for the voters of Gwinnett and Georgia. The 2022 primary runoff elections are two weeks away, to take place June 21. Today GwinnettForum presents its endorsements in the primary runoff.

BRACK: Internet moguls may not realize weekly newspapers exist

BRACK: Internet moguls may not realize weekly newspapers exist

By Elliott Brack  |  Today’s media market is far different from the way it was just a few years ago. There are fewer newspapers, which in our way of thinking is a blow for democracy. When any community loses a way for people to communicate with one another, our nation is in trouble.

BRACK: Reviewing the 2022 Georgia primary winners and losers 

BRACK: Reviewing the 2022 Georgia primary winners and losers 

By Elliott Brack  |  Today let’s review the 2022 primary.  First, let us thank the candidates, the winners and losers, for we cannot vote in our democracy without candidates. They allow it to work.

The most satisfying and surprising turn of this primary was that Lisamarie Bristol ousted Solicitor General Bryan Whiteside, and by a good margin.

BRACK: American companies leaving Russia “in droves”

BRACK: American companies leaving Russia “in droves”

By Elliott Brack |  The Russian advancement against Ukraine has backfired, in more ways than one. First, it has exposed just how inefficient the Russian military is.  Secondly, it has caused “droves” of western countries, including many American firms, to pull out of their operations in Russia.  Recent figures show more than 300 firms have exited Russia.

BRACK: Prediction of exact date Gwinnett will have 1 million residents

BRACK: Prediction of exact date Gwinnett will have 1 million residents

By Elliott Brack   |  Observers of the Gwinnett scene know that Gwinnett County is composed of “about a million people.” People have been using this phrase in recent years as the county approached that figure. It’s getting closer to the time when the county will pass 1,000,000 residents. In fact, today we’ll come close to pinpointing the exact date it will happen.
