Articles by: Elliott Brack
BRACK: Save on electric bill by switching light off when leaving a room
By Elliott Brack | Think each month how many routine bills come to your address. You get invoices for your mortgage or rent, electricity, garbage, water, sewer, Internet, telephone, cable or dish for television, maybe for security and possibly lawn care. That’s a lot! You probably pay by check or credit card.
BRACK: Should the United States consider mandatory voting?
By Elliott Brack | At first blush, the Australian way of voting in local, state and national elections seems unusual to most Americans. In Australia, voting is mandatory, and in general, about 90 percent of its people vote. Those who do not vote are issued a fine for not voting, which varies from state to state.
BRACK: Two from Gwinnett among the 19 indicted in Fulton
By Elliott Brack | Two people with Gwinnett ties are among those listed in the sweeping indictments and racketeering charges released by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and its grand jury this week. The grand jury called it a “criminal enterprise” under the racketeering provision that former President Trump tried to engender to turn the election in his favor.
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