Articles by: Elliott Brack


BRACK: Gwinnett district attorney not performing duties as she should

By Elliott Brack  |  Voters here need to know that Gwinnett County is being poorly served by District Attorney Patsy Austin-Gatson. We understand that she is an amicable person, but she is in over her head in this office. She has lost multiple simple murder cases, meaning that criminals are going free when they should be in jail.

by · March 24, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Georgia doesn’t need heavier trucks pounding our roadways

BRACK: Georgia doesn’t need heavier trucks pounding our roadways

By Elliott Brack  |  When driving on Interstate highways, do you notice how many people drive constantly in the left lane of Interstate  highways??  Ever wonder why? There’s a simple answer. The 18-wheel or more trucks are required to drive in the right lane.  That simply means that the right lanes of the Interstate system have more bumps and are much rougher to drive on because of the pounding that the heavy trucks on the pavement. 

by · March 21, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective

BRACK: Action from 2006 might be harming police hiring

By Elliott Brack  |  An action taken by Gwinnett County government back in 2006 may be creating problems in retaining county employees.  On Dec. 31, 2006, the county’s defined benefit plan (read as “pension”) was closed to all new employees of the county. Those employed at that time had the option of remaining in the pension plan or being included in either a 401 (a) or 457 (b) retirement plan.

BRACK: What is your reason you live where you do?

BRACK: What is your reason you live where you do?

By Elliott Brack  |  What made you live where you presently live? Did your family move here when you were young, and you got used to the area? Did you come to this area to go to school, and liked it?  

by · February 28, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
Gwinnett County Courthouse in 2005.  Via Wikipedia.

BRACK: Cherokees’ removal in Trail of Tears has ties to Gwinnett

By Elliott Brack  |  This week a group was being led on a tour of the new Lawrenceville Performing Arts Center, which is run by the Aurora Theatre.  As the group stopped at one exhibit, something was said that the Trail of Tears, which removed Cherokee Indians westward, started at the Gwinnett Courthouse.

by · February 24, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
The Georgia capitol, via Unsplash.

BRACK: Like an unwelcome guest, sports betting back before us

By Elliott Brack | The sports betting lobby has paid big bucks to high-jinks lawyers who maintain that, of all things, the State of Georgia can pass gambling legislation without going through a Constitutional Amendment vote by the people.

by · February 17, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
Biden at 2023 State of the Union. Photo via

BRACK: It’s a sad time when those in Congress heckle a president

By Elliott Brack  |  Discourteous people bother me….seriously.  It doesn’t matter who, when or where someone shows bad manners, it’s telling…about that person. Shocked! Yes, we were shocked at the lack of civility Tuesday night when the president of the United States was heckled by many Republicans during the State of the Union address.  

by · February 10, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: Old-time Republicans are between rock and hard place

BRACK: Old-time Republicans are between rock and hard place

By Elliott Brack |  A recent letter to the editor of the Atlanta newspaper hit me as a major cry for help. A reader in Marietta essentially asked: “Why has my Republican Party abandoned me?”  There is no doubt that many, many Republicans are asking the same question these days.

by · February 7, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective
BRACK: No housing should be permitted along major thoroughfares

BRACK: No housing should be permitted along major thoroughfares

By Elliott Brack  |  Have  you ever considered that there ought to be a special place in hell for people who come  up with the ideas of locating housing for people next to major thoroughfares?  Adjacent to such roads you see many developments of apartment complexes, townhouses and condos, and even single-family subdivisions.

by · February 3, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective

BRACK: Duluth  working on making railroad crossings a “Quiet Zone”

By Elliott Brack  |  Since Duluth was founded in 1876, year after year locomotives of the Southern Railway (today Norfolk-Southern) have been sounding their horns for safety at the crossings in the city, with the horns  sometimes  awakening newcomer residents.

by · January 31, 2023 · Elliott Brack's Perspective