MYSTERY: Looks like a great place to visit


CLUE: The bright colors and the lake in the distant look like a perfect place to visit. Tell us where you think this photograph was taken. Send your idea to and be sure to tell us where you live.

15.0424.mysteryJust three of the regulars recognized last week’s Mystery Photo, which was sent in by Andy Brack of Charleston, S.C. Ruthy Lachman Paul of Norcross told us: “It is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Paris, which is visited by more than ten million visitors each year, a fact that places in the number of site visitors, after the Notre Dame Cathedral.”

Michael Green of Milton wrote: “The photograph is of the Basilica of Sacre Coeur in Paris, France.   Building began on the church in 1875 and it was dedicated in 1919.  It is on the highest elevation in Paris, Montmartre.” Another recognizing the photograph was Bob Foreman of Grayson.
