HOUSTON: Tumultuous year in USA, but the United States can take it

By Debra Houston, contributing columnist |  We come to the end of a tumultuous year. The presidential election was an ugly one, worse than any I can recall. Both parties were to blame. As a result, we hear unendingly from the shrill media that the American people are more divided than ever.

00_icon_houstonWhich is hogwash, for lack of a greater expletive. A student of history, I propose we were more divided in 1861. During the four years of the Civil War, some 620,000 soldiers died from combat, dysentery, starvation, and accidents. Nearly an entire generation of young men died from that war.

So the media has it wrong again. Divided? No one speaks seriously about seceding from “The Union.” To speak more accurately, we live in a divided government, one created by men who were wise enough to understand that when everyone agrees, it becomes harder to dissent. America is at its finest when it allows non-violent dissent.

Although America is a republic made up of 50 states, we nevertheless strive for an impossible ideal of full democracy. We don’t wish economic failure for others or discrimination against anyone because they speak, look, or behave differently from the norm. For those who do wish ill on others, let them state their case and get it out of their system. The United States can take it.

My resolution for the New Year is to listen more than I speak, and truly hear what people say.  Then, and only then, will I consider dissenting.
