MYSTERY: Stately Georgian building could be located almost anywhere

16.0830.mysteryHere’s a stately Georgian building, no doubt at least a museum, library or similar government building, awaiting your searching. Figure out where this building is, and then send in your thoughts to and be sure to include your hometown.

16.0826.mysteryLots of people recognized the Royal Crescent in Bath, England. Jo Pinder of Baltimore writes: “It’s a great day trip by train from London. While the front is all the same, each owner could do what she/he wanted behind the façade.”  The photo was sent to us by Donny Loeber of Norcross.

George Graf of Palmyra, Va., tells us: “Architect John Wood the Younger was the designer of the terrace’s famous façade but this was as far as his input went. Thirty houses were outlined by Ionic columns and sold to private purchasers all of whom employed their own architects to build their homes behind the façade. The result is that the rear of the properties is quite juxtaposed with the front. The convex rear features differing fenestration and roof layouts that is a feature of many Bath terraces.  Bath was a target for the Luftwaffe during World War II and the Royal Crescent was partially burnt out during a bombing raid in April 1942.  417 people were killed across Bath in three separate raids.”

Others recognizing it include Michael Green, Milton; Jeff Dyer, Suwanee; Michael Wood, Peachtree Corners; Susan McBrayer, Sugar Hill; Bob Foreman, Grayson; Ruthy Lachman Paul, Norcross; and Lou Camerio of Lilburn, who also told us about the previous mystery photo: “My great uncle and my Father, when he was 11 years old, did the ceramic tile for the original Lake Lure Hotel. They had to camp in a tent and kept a shot gun to ward off mountain lions, so I was told.”


The back side

16.0830.bath-england Last week’s Mystery Photo from Bath, England, produced statements that the rear of the beautiful Bath building was considerable different from its classic front side. George Graf of Palmyra, Va. sends in this photo showing how the rear of the building is constructed. Look, also, at the way buildings are close to one another, making for a very crowded town. With the expansive lawn in the front photo, you get a different idea of how it would be to live in this town.
