MYSTERY: Beautiful setting to enjoy nature


A beautiful setting, even including a bench where you can enjoy the area. But where is it? Send in your thoughts to and be sure to include your hometown.

16.0701.mysteryLast week’s mystery photograph came from George Graf of Palmyra, Va. and none of GwinnettForum’s readers were able to identify it. He says: “It is a Partisan Memorial Statue, at the former Italian Concentration Camp, Rab Island, Croatia. We took a vacation here driving from my U.S. Army base in Germany down through the Dalmatian Coast then by ferryboat to the Island of Rab.  It’s a big destination for German vacationers.  I always thought that only the Germans had the concentration camps, but Italy had them also.”


There are acres and acres of sunflowers at Forsyth County location


Roving Photographer Frank Sharp found Anderson’s Sunflower Farm in his lens last week. The Farm, just off Georgia Highway 400 at the intersection of Georgia Highway 141 (Peachtree Parkway) in Forsyth County, has acres and acres of sunflowers reaching their peak.


