MYSTERY: Night scene along the river needs your identification


Here’s a night scene for readers to identify as this edition’s Mystery Photo. Perhaps the architecture or the setting will give it away. Send you ideas to and be sure to include your hometown.

16.0311.mysteryThe ceiling of a monastery in Germany was the Mystery Photo in the last edition, and three readers recognized it. Writing from Milton, Ga., Michael Green said: “On this ‘most auspicious day,’ my birthday, I write to identify the mystery photo as the domed ceiling of Ettal Abbey, a Benedictine monastery in the village of Ettal, close to Oberammergau and Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Bavaria, Germany.  In 1744, the abbey and its church were damaged by fire.  It was rebuilt in the baroque style.”

Ettal Abbey

Ettal Abbey

The photo was sent in by Donny Loeber of Norcross.

Ruthy Lachman Paul, Norcross also identified the monastery, as did George Graf of Palmyra, Va, saying: “This is Ettal Abbey, on the road between Oberammergau (wood carving and Passion Play fame) and Garmisch-Partenkirchen (resort) in Bavaria, Germany.  My wife Diane and I visited here more than a dozen times, each time we were fascinated by the art, architecture and grandeur.  It was on our route from my U.S. Army base in Augsburg to Garmisch then to Austria and Italy.  I’ve attached a winter photo of Ettal Abbey, which was founded in 1330, by Emperor Ludwig, the Bavarian.”
