MYSTERY: Another lighthouse for you to identify


Several times The Mystery Photo has been lighthouses. This edition here’s another lighthouse to identify. See if there’s anything in this photo that points you to its locality. As usual, send your guess to and be sure to tell us where you live.

Doc Martin's dog

Doc Martin’s dog


Hercules, the Brack family dog

Last edition’s Mystery Photo could have been two answers. You see, the Brack family dog, Hercules, looks most similar to a dog featured in the BBC series Doc Martin on Sundays and Thursdays on PBS Channel 30. That show is a favorite of many in the USA, featuring a local doctor in Cornwell who is posted there as a GP, because he’s really a brilliant surgeon, but can’t stand the sight of blood. On top of that he’s most cantankerous, and often clashes with his patients. It’s billed as a comedy series and has won many awards in its run.

16.0216.herk2Here’s another photo of the Brack dog, turning as if to answer a question. For an explanation of the Doc Martin dog, here’s a You Tube four minute clip from the dog’s owner:

First person in to identify Hercules was Billy Chism of Cleveland, who remembered meeting Herk, saying he is “Obviously, dog of the year.”

Then George Graf of Palmyra, Va., did research from the GwinnettForum issues of May 27, 2005 and wrote: “Hercules (aka Herky) Rumpole Brack.  He is Brack family dog Number 5.  You got him from the pound (White County Shelter) and is a breed that you believe maybe wire-haired Jack Russell, but you’re not 100 percent positive.” One more person recognizing the dog was Faye Hill of Lawrenceville.”


Look where Andy Jackson is still commemorated


Looking closely, you can easily tell where this photograph comes from. Yes, it’s on the lawn of the White House, and you can see the Washington Monument in the background. Roving Photographer Frank Sharp caught this angle several years ago when in the nation’s capitol. But who’s riding that statued horse? Why it’s none other that Andrew Jackson, our seventh president. Many of our readers may not have recognized that Jackson is still guarding the north entrance of the White House. Watch out: with people questioning statuary these days, Ole Andy may someday be moved!
