ANOTHER VIEW: The border is closed, or is it really?

By Jeff Gorke

SUWANEE, Ga.  |  Re: Jeff Ploussard’s recent missive apropos the “myths” about immigration, let’s start here: There is an invasion at our southern border. It’s factual and provable, irrespective of what you “name” it (semantically). Next, is it me or is anyone else tired of the loose and lazy bandying of “any-phobe” or an “any-scist” or “any-ism?” Can we stop with this; it’s intellectually vapid. 


Just because you don’t want open borders does not make you a xenophobe; adherence to that abrasive narrative is reductive.

Next, Kamala Harris was indeed appointed the border czar. Unlimited bloviating and a recasting of her likeness by a willing media does not change the facts. Sidebar: recall, too, that within the last 12 months Beltway sycophants were trumpeting that Harris needed to be replaced on the ticket to help Biden. In any event, Harris, and Biden, is/are MIA on the border. It’s vacuous to argue that she was AG of a “border state” and dealt with transnational gangs; ok, so what? What about the last 3 ½ years where millions of illegals have crossed the border? Factually speaking the “Bi-Partisan Border Bill” was garbage but its foibles require more space than I have available.

Myth 1: Uh, Trump was trying to build a wall. That’s a good step toward mitigating unparalleled border crossings. Does it solve everything? Of course not.

Myth 2: I’d stipulate some accuracy but citing a “study” from 1980 hardly passes as academic rigor or comparative owing to the current massive migration across our border, 40+ years since that “study,” and sheer numbers/volume of people now vs. in 1980.

Myth 3: Not sure anyone suggested that “all or most immigrants” commit all crimes. First, those who come here without legitimate asylum claims and cross the border are, by definition, committing a crime. Next, if you examined the data per capita, you might see a different story. And, if your loved one was one of the few killed by an illegal immigrant, you might view things a bit differently.

Myth 4: Again, not enough real estate to debate this but I’d bet you’d find that illegal immigration is costing us more per annum (in treasury and safety) than is contributed by legal immigrants to the system. (I am, admittedly, swagging that figure. But +/- $450Bn to fund illegals this fiscal year is fairly robust.) 

Myth 5: ditto Myth 4. But, let’s parse out “legal,” like my neighbors, vs. “illegal.” Then the discussion becomes a bit sharper and less nebulous. 

I don’t watch FOX. But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do a little legwork and flip over some rocks to see that the border is, and has been, wide open. The figure I share is an amalgamation of U.S. gov’t data. 

This sophistry, this cover for Harris, is mind-numbing, cheap, and dogmatic. Candidly, I’d rather talk about how the party that’s “saving Democracy” actually undermined a duly elected President and pushed him out of the presidential race. As the Washington Post tag suggests, “Democracy Dies in the Dark.” I’d add that flies breed in manure piles, too. That said, the mere fact you think Harris is qualified to be Commander in Chief is vexing.
